Chapter 1- Ymir and Historia

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To my Dear Historia,

s I write this,
Reiner stands by my side.
He knows this is a love letter but he's still sneaking peaks.
Honestly, no wonder the creeps still single.
That said...
He did give his word that he'd deliver this letter to you.
He says he owes me...
For the time I doubled back to save him.
I'm sorry about then.
I never would've imagined myself choosing those two...
Over you....
I'm going to die soon
I'll die without regrets.
That's what I would like to say.
Truth is,
I do have one.
It's that I never got to marry you.
With love,

Ymir's letter to Historia. Attack on Titan Season 3. Episode 21.
Her last words to the one who gave her life purpose.
Or so we thought.


Pen gently placed beside her; Ymir allowed herself to release an exhausted breath. With delicate fingers, she folds the parchment thrice before dispensing it into a small, cream colored envelope that Reiner has oh so kindly provided.

The young woman holds the letter out in front of her for a brisk moment as she brushes her thumb softly over the seal imagining that it is the cheek of the woman that this letter is addressed to.

Ymir stood from the desk she was assigned. After placing her lips softly onto the sealed parchment, she handed her treasured item to the man who had been carefully overseeing her little project.

"You will see that this reaches her?" It was more of an order than a question. She held the envelope slightly from the blonde's grasp, completely unnerved by his stature that trumped her tenfold in both size and muscle.

ut not brains. Ymir smirked to herself as she finally handed the paper over.

"I will." He said in a determined voice as if they were still comrades. Pathetic was what she wanted to say but settled with an unamused hum as she walked past him, hands in pockets to hide her closed fists and white knuckles.

"Where are you going?" Reiner asked as he tucked their small exchange into his breast pocket. Ymir looked over her shoulder with a forced annoyance.

"I need to take a piss. Why? You want to watch me do that too?" She asked with a signature cocky expression. She did not receive a response. She rolled her eyes at his serious disposition. It appeared that their days of poking fun was long gone. Ymir broke her gaze from him. Any longer and she would not be able to resist the urge to slap the brute upside his dense skull. She continued down the dark corridor of the old crumbling castle they had set up camp in.

When she had walked far enough that it was certain no one was following her, she allowed her situation to finally wash heavily over her body. She swayed slightly, letting herself drop onto the cold stone wall for support. Her breaths became ragged as a swell of despair and pain washed through her chest. Tears held back for her lover's sake fell down her cheeks in rivulets as the dam she worked so hard to build finally crumbled.

She placed a hand over her mouth when a choked sob escaped her thin lips. She refused to let those bastards hear her cry. Her knees became weak as they buckled underneath her. She dropped to the cold damp floor.

My Dear Historia Where stories live. Discover now