Chapter 6 - I'm Coming Home

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After reading the paragraph, Krista held the page up for Ymir, who was following along. The brunette's chin rested upon Krista's shoulder and slender arms wrapped around her small waist. Ymir straightened from the tree that she was rested on as Krista read her the story. She pulled the small blond who sat between her legs closer as she tried to make sense of the scribbled writing that her tiny tutor pointed at.

It took a lot to admit to Krista that she could not read. Well, she could. She was fluent in both Eldian and Marleyan. Even some southern languages thanks to her upbringing in the church. However, even though the language inside the walls was spoken the same, the writing was a tad off for her. This was causing some difficulties in classroom training which her love didn't take long to realize. Krista new Ymir was very bright. Sometimes rivaling Armin in strategy talk that seemed foreign to even the other high-ranking cadets. So, her suspicion grew ever more when Ymir began to fall behind during a lecture that required them each to read a handwritten transcript that went over the pros and cons of certain ODM techniques.

When Krista had asked about the issue, Ymir naturally played it off as being lazy and that Krista should worry about herself. The blonde knew better. Something about this assignment and even group discussions caused the brunette to get flustered and shy away from the topic. Krista had rolled her eyes that day knowing how Ymir played things off whenever she was embarrassed or ashamed about her own characteristics.

"You can't read, can you?" Krista had mumbled one night as they laid in Ymir's bunk, half naked and flustered from previous activities. Ymir's fingers that had been stroking Krista's spine had stopped, confirming the answer.

"I can teach you. You're so smart Ymir. I know you can get it in no time." Krista snuggled close to her, rubbing smooth circles upon tanned flesh hoping she would not get to much backlash from her discovery. To her surprise, she felt Ymir nod in her hair.

"Okay." The brunette whispered continuing to stroke her partner's back. Krista smiled, closing her eyes. She knew from the sound of her racing heart that it took a lot for Ymir to simply mutter that word and admit such a secret to her, even though she tried to nonchalantly play it off. So, for the sake of her love, Krista did not press and left it at that.

The last few weeks, the two girls could be found by an oak tree far off from the training grounds during free time. Krista, a book in hand and Ymir following along. They had already gone through their transcripts and assignment, Krista opting to read more out loud for her then actually teaching due to their limited time to submit their work. Now, they indulged in some of Krista's novels that she had brought along from the farm.

Ymir read out loud only slightly struggling at the words but, finished non the less. Krista turned in Ymir's embrace, a proud smile on her face.

"Ymir! You're amazing! You read better then Conny!" She giggled. Ymir blushed and gave her a raised eyebrow.

"I'm not sure that is a compliment love." Her eyes widened when she felt Krista's lips on hers. When the smaller pulled away, Ymir had a dumbfounded expression.

"I'm so proud of you! You learned how to read in only a month!" Krista could barely contain her excitement.

"Well, I had a great teacher." Ymir began to trail small kisses down porcelain skin. Truth was that the letters began to look and sound very similar to what she had known when Krista began to read to her. Though seeing Krista so happy and proud of her made Ymir almost happy with herself. Plus, the rewards she got afterwards was so worth it. And it looked like she might be getting such a reward now as Krista arched her neck for her, releasing soft mewls as Ymir worked her magic.

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