Ymir and Pieck

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Ymir woke slowly. Her body ached and she was very, very hungry. She sat, breathing heavily as she did so. "Ow." She groaned as she rubbed her temples.

"What time is it?" She slowly observed her surroundings. Having no windows in the small room made it hard to tell if the day had begun or if it was about to end.

"Okay." She encouraged herself to stand. Though a tad bit wobbly, she focused on her breathing to keep the room from spinning and eventually made it to the door. However, before she could grasp the doorknob, a horrible memory struck her. Phantom pain of flesh and bone being severed from each other pulsated through her arms as the monstrosity ripped her body apart in her memories. A horrific scream came from the back of her skull causing her to become nauseated.

Her vision began to fade as she threw up whatever stomach bile she had left so violently, her side began to cramp. She fell backwards into a sobbing mess.

"Ymir! Are you okay?" It was that woman, Pieck. She knelt beside the shaking brunette and took out a handkerchief. "Hey. Your fine." Her voice was so soft and gentle. It reminded her of a distant memory. She looked at Pieck trying to put a face to the angelic voice that spoke to her in her dreams.

"S-sorry. I'm fine." Ymir muttered. No, it's not her. Her face grew warm when she realized she was staring a little too long. She ran the cloth over her mouth. Pieck gave her a funny look before grabbing her arm and helping her stand.

"Come on. Let's get you cleaned up." Pieck lifted her easily.

"Thank you." Ymir nodded and did her best to help Pieck stand her up. As soon as she was on her feet a loud growl vibrated from within her abdomen. A blush spread through Ymir's dark cheeks.

"How about I get you some food. Think you can try to eat a little more today?" She asked. Ymir just nodded, too embarrassed to say anything. Pieck chuckled softly as she helped Ymir to the bed.

"Thank you." Ymir repeated. Pieck nodded with a tiny smile before leaving to retrieve the starving woman something to eat.

She had been here for about three weeks according to the woman. Although, she could not remember most of it. She had apparently spent most of the time slipping in and out of consciousness. Only until recently did she start dressing and eating on her own.

She cringed as she smelt herself. God, I need a bath.

"Back." Pieck handed her a plate with a sandwich. Ymir smiled, feeling silly for saying "thank you" for a third time. She sighed when she took her first bite. "Slow down." Pieck laughed as Ymir found herself near finished with her sandwich.

"Sorry." Ymir swallowed. "I feel like I haven't had Bratwurse* in a long time." She tried to hide her mouth behind her forearm, embarrassed by the crumbs on her lips and her desperate appetite.

"You know what that is?" Pieck looked almost surprised.

"Um... yes? Doesn't everybody in Marley?" Ymir raised a confused eyebrow. "We are in Marley, right?" A small ping of panic could be felt in the pit of her stomach.

"Y-yes. You are. I'm sorry." Pieck laughed. "I just... well with your memory loss... Ymir, what was the last thing you remember before getting attacked by that Ti- Demon."

Attack? Is that what it was? The pain I remember feeling makes me believe more than an attack happened. Ymir frowned. She had been searching her body for signs that her arms had somehow managed to be reattached or, a horrible scar where giant teeth bared down on her soft flesh. Nothing.

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