Chapter 3 - Ymir and Reiner

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Chapter 3
Ymir and Reiner

"Hey Idiot! What are you doing!?" Ymir yelled from the roof tops. The girl below stood idol as her comrades around her cheered at their first true victory for humanity. All were oblivious to the lone soldier's apparent danger. Eren had managed to gain control over his newfound ability and finally managed to plug the whole blocking the titan's onslaught from Trost District through Wall Maria. The hole was sealed but that did not mean the danger of the remaining titans had seize to exist.
"Hanna! Get out of there! It's not safe!" Krista was at Ymir's side as always, a panicked expression taking over her delicate features. The girl below ignored them. Instead, she dropped her arms to her side letting go of two broken blades. The steal hit the pavement below with a series of pathetic clacks. A twelve-meter titan began to advance, lifeless eyes set on its cornered prey.

"Hell, she wants to die." Ymir muttered.

"No way! We need to get her out of there!" Krista had her blades drawn and began to advance when strong hands held her back.

"The hell do you think you are doing?" Ymir asked as a fifteen - meter titan also picked up on the feeble girl's scent. Hanna just dropped to her knees in defeat, waiting for the creatures to advance and end her suffering once and for all. Why bother living when the one you held dearly was gone?

"What do you mean! She's going to die Ymir! We have to help her!" Krista looked at her as if the brunette had lost her mind.

"She's as good as dead dumbass! You want to take on three big ass titans by yourself? It's just us! You can barely handle one!" Ymir shook her slightly. Krista's eyes widened as the second twelve - meter approached. Where was everyone!?

"So!? We watch her die!? Ymir how can you be so selfish!? She's our friend! Our comrade!" Krista struggled desperately to remove herself from the older girl's strong grip.

"No! You're my friend! You're my comrade! You're my..." Ymir paused. What was she? Lover? Fuck buddy? Someone so precious to her that she could not give less of a shit about anyone else? She shook her head from the thoughts. "You're what matters to me. No one else." She was silenced with a swift slap from the smaller girl. They looked at each other stunned. Ymir let go of the blonde and unconsciously touched her cheek where the impact began to turn her dark skin into a soft red.

"Ymir I." She began, her voice full of shocked regret. Tears welled in her eyes from realization at what she just did. She reached out for her friend but was roughly shoved away.

"Get fucked Krista." Ymir mumbled before stepping of the roof, flying towards Hanna.

"Ymir! Wait!" Krista was after here instantly. Ymir growled releasing all her anger towards what had just transpired onto one of the twelve - meters taking it out swiftly at the nape, dulling her last pair of blades significantly. Fine Krista. This selfish bitch will just have to take out every one of them. Another titan fell much to Ymir's surprise. Krista had swooped below it taken out the achilleas of one of the other twelve-meter. If Ymir were not so pissed off, she would have been impressed. As it fell, Ymir swooped down to finish it off.

"Don't be so reckless idiot!" She shouted before dodging the third's grasp. Krista landed besides Hanna.

"You are one to talk! You.. you dickhead!!" Krista yelled back before tending to Hanna. Ymir rolled her eyes. She was rubbing off on Krista in a not so appropriate way.

"Just get her out of here shorty!" Ymir screamed as she came down onto the largest one's nape. Her blades shattered at the impact. It was forceful enough to make the meaty bastard trip over part of a fallen building below. However, it made a grab for Ymir as it went down managing to wrap its large hand around Ymir's leg. She could hardly hear Krista calling out for her as the blonde swooped upon its giant fingers causing the beast to release Ymir from its grasp and sending her flying through a nearby window. She felt searing hot pain as glass ripped through her shoulder. She heard a sickening pop as she hit the wall on the far side of the room she was flung into. A strangled cry fell from her mouth as the wind left her lungs leaving her gasping like a fish out of water. Blood fell from somewhere above her brow blinding her. She felt a rumble beneath her broken body and then, silence.

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