Chapter 8

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        Finally. The safety of his room. He could hide in there, and just come out as little as possible,. He would have preferred never again, but that wasn't happening, so he'd take what he could get. More petals came up, and he was unable to stop them now. Blood marked the pretty yellow and blue of the petals, the flecks coloring them red. "Stupid Hanahaki... why me..." he muttered. Not like anyone was around to hear him anyway.

        He shuffled over to the bed. It was getting worse each day- soon he would barely be able to get up. But that was alright. The others would only know he was sick, but not what with.

        Breathing hurt so much. Thorns scratched at his throat as he coughed. More petals. More blood. The crimson droplets stained his shirt. Oh well. Not like it mattered that much.

        Soon there wouldn't be any need to breathe.

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