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Sad Peter, possibly trigger warning Avengers being meanies and not knowing the pain he's been through. Pepper is also non-existent in this one-shot.

People have been ignoring Peter lately and he has no idea why either. Day by day people start to forget he even exists and start making more and more fun of him. Mj and Ned don't talk to him. Flash's bullying has gotten worse. The Avengers are being meaner but that wasn't something new. He was young so they made fun of him for it but lately, they have started making fun of him as well by calling him names and pushing him around. Peter has no idea why this is all happening but all he knows is that he's never felt more alone his Parents are dead, his Uncle was shot in front of him and his Aunt had died a little over a year ago due to a car crash and now the people who he thought was his new "family" are ignoring him, and pushing him around and he doesn't know why and it's killing him.

Peter was finally home from school and was walking back to the tower he was walking because Happy forgot to pick him up which is okay because he likes to walk and likes to be outside. He finally made it back and was inside "Hello Small Spider." The A.I spoke and had a hint of sympathy in her voice. "Hey, Fri do we have a music room?" Peter asked. "Yes we do, it's on the floor above the penthouse. Would you like me to take you there?" The Irish A.I asked "Yes please," Peter said just above a whisper. Peter made his way to the music room successfully avoiding the avengers and Mr. Stark. He found his way to the piano and started to play Unsteady by X Ambassadors.

With the Avengers

The avengers were just hanging out in the living room paying no attention to the boy upstairs. That was until Sam asked where he was to just go bother him. "Hey guys, do you know where the puny spider is? I'm in the mood to bother him." Sam called out. "I have no idea where that twerp is. F.R.I where is he?" Natasha responded "Don't bother to go find him, he'll just talk too much" Tony pitched in. "He is in the music room, would you like me to bring up the feed?" Friday asked. "Yes this will be good this will be perfect blackmail material," Clint smirked. "Okay, Mr. Barton" The A.I responded and pulled up the feed. What they were about to see truly shocked them. They saw a young boy crying and playing the piano. The Avengers just sat there listening to the boy sing his heart out and sounding like an angel.

Hold, hold on, hold onto me

'Cause I'm a little unsteady

A little unsteady

Hold, hold on, hold onto me

'Cause I'm a little unsteady

A little unsteady

Mama, come here

Approach, appear

Daddy, I'm alone

'Cause this house don't feel like home

If you love me, don't let go

Whoa, if you love me, don't let go

Hold, hold on, hold onto me

'Cause I'm a little unsteady

A little unsteady

Hold, hold on, hold onto me

'Cause I'm a little unsteady

A little unsteady

Mother, I know

That you're tired of being alone

Dad, I know you're trying

To fight when you feel like flying

But if you love me, don't let go

Whoa, if you love me, don't let go

Hold, hold on, hold onto me

'Cause I'm a little unsteady

A little unsteady

Hold, hold on, hold onto me

'Cause I'm a little unsteady

A little unsteady

Hold, hold on, hold onto me

'Cause I'm a little unsteady

A little unsteady

The song ended and they saw the boy get up and wipe his tears away and walk out of the room with a bright smile on his face like nothing in the music room happened. 'What the hell'' Wanda muttered as she saw the once crying boy walk away with a smile. "Did you-What why does he look so happy?" Bucky stuttered out. "I-I don't know but all I know is that we messed up big time" Steve stated. "Yeah yeah we did" Tony muttered.   


What the Avengers saw was a bubbly, bright, smart, and really annoying boy. What they didn't see was the broken side of the boy who wished he was dead and thinks that the death of his family was his fault or that he could've done better to get people to like him. they didn't see the pain they caused to him by pushing him around it started as a joke somewhat but then it got too far. The joke was to make small comments at the young boy and hoped he'd take it as a joke but they soon realized that hurting Peter was "fun" in some sort of way and releasing their anger on him. They also didn't see how much their pushing around affected him. They knew they had to make it up to the boy but didn't know-how.

Three weeks later

It's been three weeks since they found the boy in the music room singing his heart out. Nobody knows why Peter let them pick on him for so long or why he never left because he must have a family to go to right. Well that was another thing they didn't know is that he is basically an orphan and is currently running from CPS. The avengers finally made up a plan to get the boy to forgive them They also knew it would probably take a while considering how much damage they caused. "Okay, Tony you'll call him down, then bring him to the living room where we will all be and we will just be sitting there waiting for you. Sound good?" Natasha said. There were a bunch of yeahs and yups. "Okay now go get him," Nat said while pushing Tony out of the room.

With Peter

Peter was just in his room in the Avengers tower doing absolutely nothing because he finished his homework and no one likes him in the tower so he decided to lay on his bed like a starfish. His thought were interrupted when there was a knock at the door. That's new he thought since no one knocks they just come in when it comes to him. "Come in" he shouted. The door opened to reveal Tony Stark. "Oh Hi, Mr. Stark what can I do for you?" Peter asked. "Can you come with me?" Tony asked. "Oh um are you sure I don't want to bother you,'' Peter said concerned. "I'm sure come on," Tony said while pulling Peter out of the room. Peter was brought to the living room where he saw the other Avengers (Thor, Loki, Valkyrie, Carol, and The guardians are in space somewhere.) "Look Peter were sorry for the way we treated you. It wasn't right and we hope you can forgive us," Steve spoke up. "Oh um it's okay. I'm sure you had your reasons to do what you did so it's okay" Peter said calmly almost too calmly for them. "No Peter it's not okay we hurt you and we want to make it up, so what can we do?" Tony said. "Well sorry to just put this on you but one thing that would make me happy is if you could get CPS off my back they've been kind of chasing me for a while," He said nervously. "Of course we can but if you don't mind me asking why are they chasing you?" Steve spoke. "That's a story for another time, and would ya look at that it's time for patrol." He said while tapping his web-shooters making his spider suit come on and jumping out the window. "That kid is something else," Tony said while chuckling while watching the boy jump out the window and looking back at the rest of the avengers who are in shock at what the kid did. It was silent until Clint spoke up "Can we still use the singing video as blackmail?" He asked. NO everyone said at the same time.

1390 words

I hope you enjoyed it a little longer than the other ones.

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