Two again

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I love this song  has a very special place in my heart

-sad peter, briefly talks about death 

I know I do a lot of singing ones but I personally find them amazing so I write my own since I don't always see a lot of them. (For the sake of this Peter was bite at the age of 11 he's sixteen now and was adopted by Mr. Stark after May had to eave country for a while)

Peter wasn't having a good day, one because Flash would not stop bothering him, and two it's the 5-year anniversary death of James Parker, who was Peter's twin. Peter and James would do everything together like playing football and sneaking around the neighborhood at night. James was the first person to find out he was bitten by a spider on a field trip to Oscorp.

Now, none of the Avengers knew about James because it's a very sensitive topic for him, for many reasons such as they were 11 when it happened, and to make it worse he was there to witness it. The happy, bubbly Peter everyone knew had to go through so much trauma no 16-year-old should go through. 


Peter just wanted to get out of the hell hole they called school. It eventually ended after the long 30 minutes left of last period and a little taunting from Flash as well. He really wasn't having it, he almost snapped at Flash, Ned, and even MJ. Even his best friends didn't know about James because he moved to a different part of Ney york after it all happened to get away from there and leave it in the past. When he moved to New York with May he picked up the hobby of playing the guitar. He got quite well at it too. Soon after finding he could play he started to write songs. Not all of them were good but he did try. 

Peter was home and just wanted to rest and not bother to tell the Avengers he was home. He was sure they got the notification of him arriving from F.R.I.D.A.Y, luckily they didn't try and come find him because he was just trying to hide.

That's how he found himself picking up the guitar and strumming the tune to the song he dedicated to his brother.

(Flashback, "Song", present time)

"I would do anything just to be two years old again
Imagine what we could've done
Imagine what we could've been
Making paper planes 'til the sun goes down
I'd be holding your hand as you're squeezing onto mine
Hold on tight, we shall never let go" 

He remembered all the times he and his brother would hold hands and stay close when there were thunderstorms

"Remember building castles out of old lego
Just to knock 'em down
It's changed, now you're not around
I'm not the same but I hope you're proud
I wish your little face was still around
With that cheesy smile, and their little chubby cheeks"

"Come on James let's go build legos" Young Peter called out "Yay! Legos" James said happily. Oh how much he missed his 5-minute younger brother chubby cheeks and that smile that could brighten his day no matter what. 

"Imagine all the mischief we'd get up to
Imagine us, tag team, one plus two
Imagine all the good, bad, sad, and happy times
Imagine all the time out, naughty step crimes" 

What Peter missed most was having someone always there for him and all the times his brother was there to cheer him up and all the times he cheered up James

"Stay up late, watch TV we couldn't watch
We'd go to school, break the rules, play hopscotch
Climb trees, chase bees, just to act tough
And fight, fight, fight over brother stuff
And sneak out late, play football, 'til the sun goes
Thunder buddy, I will keep you safe as you dose
Off to sleep, bed bugs, and counting sheep
Off to sleep, night, night, baby brother sleep"

"Peter looks out for the bee's" James warned him as his brother was running away from the bees. "Look James I'm in the tree" 10-year-old Peter yelled from the tree after the spider bite. They may have been twins but Peter was 5-minutes older so technically James was his Baby brother. 

Peter had been so caught up in singing he didn't realize the crowd of avengers behind him not knowing since he had his eyes closed and was facing away from the door which was open because he forgot to close it.

Avengers pov

The group of heroes didn't hear from Peter when he got home. This wasn't normal because he would normally come in and greet everyone then does homework. They got the notification he was home but they didn't see him. "Maybe he's tired" Steve suggested to the group of worried Avengers. "Maybe, but he always greets us when he comes home tired or not," Tony said. "Well maybe instead of-" Natasha started. "Do you hear that?" She asked the Avengers who were all gathered in the Living room. It wasn't very loud but they could hear light singing from where Peter's room is. "Is that Peter?" Steve asked surprised because his hearing could pick up the sound of the guitar. "I don't know, but let's go find out," said Clint.

That's how they ended up there listening to the singing boy. who sounded like he was singing about someone but they weren't sure who because Peter didn't mention much about his family besides that he lived with his aunt. 

"Until we meet again, stay safe, my friend
I will keep you in my thoughts 'til the very end
My little tele-tubby, in the sky, with his smile
Little thunder buddy, I will see you in a while
And I'm missing youLike the sun on a rainy day
When the stars come out to play
And I miss you
And I'm missing you
And I want to be with you, my friend
So we could be two againSo we could be two my friend
We could be two again
We could be, we could be
To my friend
Off to Heaven in a multi-cars where I said
Wish I could be two again
And I'm missing you
And I want to be with you my friend
So we could be two againI want to be with you my friend
So we could be two again"

That was all they heard but whoever it was about meant a lot to him and probably wasn't here anymore due to the wording of the song. All they knew was that this person meant a lot to Peter, and isn't here anymore and that Peter can sing and play the guitar.

He finished the song and they could all hear the sniffles from the boy at this point Tony went over and hugged the crying kid. "Hey hey shhh," Tony said trying to calm down the now sobbing boy. "Peter who was the song about?" Tony asked caustically trying not to upset him further. "My twin brother" Peter mumbled loud enough so Tony could hear and s could the others. "He died when we were 11, he was the best person ever and today is the 5- year anniversary of his death," Peter said hugging Tony back now. "Oh Peter I am so sorry," Tony said hugging him tighter while all the other Avengers came over to the hug, even Vision was there.

"Whatever happened Peter we are here for you. Don't ever forget that we don't want you to be alone ever." Steve spoke up "I know I just wished we were two again,"  Peter said sadly but also glad he didn't have to explain how his brother died.

From that day on Peter wasn't alone for anything he always had someone there for him and it made him feel even more loved.

I hope you enjoyed, a little more sad than normal but this song means a lot to me.

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