Patience Grasshopper:05

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Trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit


Well, not trees only. We always tend to finish things quickly because we are pressured or think that if we do this, we will do it best. Actually, we don't.

Think about it. An artist has a painting to draw and paint. If she paints quickly and carelessly, she will have to do it all again.

I have noticed that most schools make home works due the other day. Why don't schools give the homework more than that? Some students have sports or have something that had kept them busy.

Schools should allow more time for things to be delivered, so when students deliver it, they don't have an excuse.

Hey lovies. It's Thursday, so we have tomorrow the weekend. Today I was supposed to go to the club but the weather was really bad so I didn't.  I actually slept from 4 PM to 9 PM because I was really tired.

I decided that I would start in another section. I know this one is short haha but I don't have much experience in it.

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