Chapter 3

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I want him to kill the king. Those words rang in Elizabeth's ears. She had received ambitious assignments before, such as a duke or even a manipulative prince. Although, nothing like killing her father. William glanced her way for only a second.

"What reasons would you have for him to do something like that?" he asked.

"First, the Dark Phoenix is the most feared and talented assassin in our area. I know it's ambitious, but, from what I've heard, he can slay just about any man with nothing but a short piece of twine."

Elizabeth almost let out a laugh. Such claims were ridiculous, yet the public still believed them. No one, not even her masterful teacher William, could perform such a feat. But Elizabeth said nothing, and instead kept listening to his reasoning.

"Someone of that skill could certainly execute this task."

William tensed, obviously not enjoying where this was going. "Why would he want to kill the king?"

The man let out a short laugh, only to notice that William wasn't joking. "You can't be serious. The king's a tyrant. Surely even the Dark Phoenix notices the poverty and potential threat of war in the kingdom?" It was true. Her father was a tyrant, both as a king and as a father. He spent the kingdom's money frivolously, often on extravagant gifts for his queen. Even though he made bad decisions for his people, often while drunk, no one could doubt the love he had for his wife. Although it was a mystery as to whether the queen reciprocated those feelings.

"The Dark Phoenix must have some moral code." The man spoke in hushed tones. "He must care for the kingdom a little bit, seeing that he only kills those endangering it; everyone knows that the princess would make a better leader."

Elizabeth smirked at that. She knew when the time came that she would be a good queen, but was she ready right now? Would it truly be best for the kingdom?

"What would he get out of it?" William asked.

"Well, other than saving the kingdom from a tyrant king, I was thinking five-hundred gold coins." He paused to pull out a small leather sack and toss it on the table. "I would give you half before, and the rest once it was done."

William's eyes widened, so much so that Elizabeth thought they might burst out of their sockets. Five-hundred gold coins was a pretty price, especially for a poor princess.

She lightly tapped William's shoulder. He turned towards her, the surprise leaving his face. Elizabeth motioned to come close.

"Tell him I'll do it. Ask for a name." She whispered, barely audible even for him.

William cleared his throat, but shot an almost disapproving look towards Elizabeth.

"He accepts, but wants to know your name."

The man tossed his hood back and smiled, revealing a rugged but not un-handsome face. He had sharp facial features and jet-black hair, like her own.

"Apologies. I should have started with an introduction. My name is Eric."

William reached out and shook Eric's hand, a strange thing for him to do with clients.

"I am very pleased that you are willing to help the kingdom. You may take this sack now. Once I receive word of King Edward's death I will be sure to pay the rest."

Eric and William rose at the same time, William taking the bag of coins off the table. As Elizabeth got to her feet Eric extended his hand.

"I look forward to the results."

Hesitantly, Elizabeth extended her gloved hand and shook it firmly. It wasn't often that she would be allowed any contact with her clients, but William seemed especially comfortable with this one.

"Good evening." William nodded to Eric, then motioned for Elizabeth to move towards the exit. She strode out the door, welcoming the fresh, breathable air that greeted her from beyond the door.

The two mounted their horses and began their journey to the castle. Elizabeth scanned the area. Though the streets were quiet, they were still flooded with people. Children and adults alike huddled in the corners and against buildings to keep warm for the night. Over half of them looked thin enough to be nothing more than a skeleton. Her heart throbbed and she wondered how she hadn't noticed it before.

As soon as they reached the edge of town, William broke the silence with a surprisingly calm tone. "How exactly do you plan on killing the king?"

Elizabeth sighed, "I don't know. What I do know is that I have to save my people."

"We both know that, but without a proper plan there's no saving them."

Elizabeth shook her head, "I know."

"Let me tell you that this will be your most important and difficult assignment you will ever have to complete."

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