Chapter 5

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25 years earlier

Frederick ran up the grassy hill just outside the castle walls. “Come on Eddie,” he yelled over his shoulder. Wind brushed through his tangled hair, and carried his words to the boy behind him.

William stood at the top of the hill waiting frantically. “Hurry Frederick!” he exclaimed.

After reaching the top, Frederick turned to look for his brother. “The dragon’s getting closer. Hurry Eddie!”

Edward worked his legs tirelessly to reach the top. He extended his hand to Frederick who clasped it firmly in his own. Taking his last step to the top, Edward tripped and tumbled to the ground. Being pulled by the hand, Frederick fell with him. The two boys rolled down the hill, breaking into giggles at the bottom. William ran down to meet them, grinning all the way.

Their game of knights and dragons abruptly ended when William’s father approached them.

“William,” he demanded, “where have you been. The princess will be here in less than an hour, and there are still chores to be done.” Scowling as William brushed loose grass off, he turned to Frederick. “If I were you, I would hurry to clean up before the king were to notice.” He turned to look at his son. “If you’ll excuse us, there are still a lot of preparations to be done within the hour.” With a quick bow, he turned to leave, dragging William by the arm.

Frederick stood. “He’s right Edward. Father won’t be happy to see us like this.” He paused to frown, then slumped his shoulders. “Come now, we have to hurry.”


The hour had gone by quicker than Frederick could have thought. After having a quick bath and changing his clothes, any sign of dirt was gone. Now he stood waiting at the top of the grand stairwell that overlooked the entrance. Edward stood next to him, fidgeting nervously. Father scolded him for that.

“Do you think the princess is friendly?” His little brother asked.

“I don’t know Edward,” Frederick replied. Though he didn’t show it, he was just as nervous as poor Edward was.

“I wonder what she looks like,” he stated quietly.

“We’ll just have to wait and see.”

“Do you think she’ll—”

“Enough!” His father interrupted. “Princess Vivienne will be here any minute. You’ll have the answer to all those questions in your little head. But for my sanity, please shut up!”

Edward frowned, and shrank down. Father wasn’t particularly nice to him, and Frederick often felt sorry. Being the eldest, Frederick was always loved and praised by his father. At times he was strict, but Father would rarely yell at him like he did Edward.

Frederick nudged his brother and gave him an encouraging smile. At that, the boy straightened up and looked cheerful again. Before he could do anything else, the large doors swung open, and his father’s loud welcome echoed through the air.

Frederick stood frozen at the top of the stairs. Normally he would have followed his father down the steps to greet their guest, but his legs felt as if they were stone.

Sure he had seen many princesses before, but none like this one. She was tall and slim, with dark blonde hair that was gathered at the nape of her neck.

Their eyes met, and though he could not see the color, they sparkled brighter than any star he’d seen. After slowly gaining his composure, Frederick made his way down the steps.

She bowed with an elegant dip of her head, and locked eyes with him. They were green. How exotic, he thought.

“Princess Vivienne, if I may introduce my eldest son Frederick. You will be studying with him, along with my younger son Edward.”

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