1. Dom female character X whatever character you would like to choose

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You: (Rp: Dom female character X whatever character you would like to choose)

Stranger: (I choose homeless man on side of road)

You: (I love that)

Stranger: (Ty it was a last min think)

You: (I can tell lol)

Stranger: (Yessum)

Stranger: (So you starting first?)

You: (sure)

You: //It was on a bet that I had to go seduce a homeless man I walk up to him

You: Hi se-sexy? *bites lip*

Stranger: *he sits there in his rugged clothing rubbing his hands together waiting for his next donator to place coins in his cup and he looks up and stares surprised*

Stranger: "Say what... I mean who me?"

You: "Yeah..."

You: "You could come to my place and get you cleaned up!"

Stranger: *he looks over at her studying what he should do if this is the right choice but who cares it's better than sitting by this broken building. He then looks up at her and nods* "I'll go with you."

You: "Ok cool lets go." *she starts to walk over to her expensive car*

Stranger: *he stares completely dumbfounded and slowly walks up next to the car* "Are you sure?"

You: "Yeah totally? Jump right in." *Gets into the driver's seat*

Stranger: *he hops into and gets comfortable with this seating* this is a nice car you have.

Stranger: (""*

You: "Thanks." *she starts to drive*

Stranger: *nods and looks over at her* "So uh what made you pick me up exactly?"

You: "Just being nice man. Ya nervous or something?"

Stranger: "Uh just a lil. Hopefully I don't get murdered and shoved under a rug haha" *laughs casually*

You: "I- uh wont do that..." She's kinda awkwardly

You: "I'm too pretty to die and rot in jail."

Stranger: *puts my head down and facepalms* "I was completely joking haha sorry not talking to some one for a long time wears on you. And I agree you are very attractive"

You: *turns her head slightly in his direction* How old are you?

Stranger: *slumps my arms down* "ah I'm only 18 was kicked out my parents place because I was too much of a reckless jerk. I must say if I could take it back I would."

You: "Yeah parents are dumb- im 23 if you were wondering..."

Stranger: *peeks over at her and stares at her beauty in awe then shakes my head and turn to the window* "Ah for sure I agree with you. And you are very graceful looking you make 23 look like the new age of attraction haha." *he shakes his head and wonder what the hell he just said*

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