3. Abused denki x buyer shinso (Not finished)

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Stranger: (Shinkami rp ) (no hate please) -smut- let me know if you are reading this: denkis parents abused him when he was young and sold him to be a pet for anyone he was sold to so when he was sold by his parents he did what he was told so he didn't get punished then he got sold to another as time flyed by he got older then he got sold more and more his last owner name was shoku hisoshima then he was fed up with denki saying sorry so much then sold him to Hitoshi shinsou. Hitoshi went downstairs to see if hisoshima had dropped off denki and he did denki was tied up in ropes and a cloth in his mouth with nothing on exept boxers And a teddy bear next to him*. ( if you liked it then please continue to play as shinsou )

You: omgggggg yes

You: I'm reading

Stranger: k))

You: "So this is what I bought??"

Stranger: *he was scared.*

You: "you ok??" he takes the ropes out of his mouth

Stranger: "teddy.."

You: Shinso begins petting denkis face and hands him his bear

Stranger: *holds it*

You: "C'mon you need clothes on." Shinso said with a very soft tone and a much softer expression than he would usually use.

Stranger: "no!.."

You: "Why?"

You: Shinso crouches down and unties the ropes that Denki is in. "I'm not going to hurt you. I got you so I can save you."

Stranger: *hugs the teddy tighter.*

Stranger: "can i do some drawing and colouring..?"

You: "Yeah. Come inside."

You: Goes inside and grabs coloring sheets that he had left over form Eri and some crayons.

You: **From

Stranger: *walks inside holding the teddy.*

You: Shinso puts the cartoons that Eri watches onto the T.v.

You: And the coloring stuff onto the table

Stranger: *gets the colours and starts drawing a tree wich looked a big babyish.*

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