Ai's Room

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The quartet chatted away, sharing all of their experiences and opinions about whatever popped into mind. After half an hour, they each bought an egg and started to head back to their homes to complete their nightly "work". When walking along the sidewalk, Ai asked a question.
"Hey, do you guys wanna stay at my place for a bit? It gets pretty lonely and my mom's not home."
Both Momoe and Rikka told Ai they were busy and therefore couldn't attend. But Neiru responded to the question that shocked them all.
"Yeah, I've got time to spare."
"Huh? Don't you have a company to run or something" queried Rikka.
"They'll be fine without me." And with that they parted ways, Ai and Neiru awkwardly walking back to the apartment with little to no sparks of conversation. Although, Ai wanted to bring up how suspiciously ecstatic her behaviour had been so far.

They arrived at the apartment after a long and tedious walk due to the abundance of construction being done, resulting in the obstruction of the paths. Ai slumped down onto the green carpet and sighed in fatigue.
"Man, that took way too long. I'm all worn out."
Ai turned rolled around from her original position and looked at Neiru who simply stared at her, blushing.
"Neiru, are you okay." she said in fret.
"I'm sorry Ai, but, I don't think I'll regret this." Neiru murmured. And as soon as she said that, she got down onto the carpet looming right above Ai, only a few inches away from her face. Then slowly, she leaned into her soft plump lips and kissed her.

I'm Going to Blow Your Mind (Ohto Ai x Aunuma Neiru)Where stories live. Discover now