Chapter 21 - Erika (Week 18/Christmas)

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As I sit in the creaky, uncomfortable hospital bed, my memories slow creep back, and after several hours of boredom, I remember who it was. Who pushed me into the pool. I'm not going to tell Lane though. It might have nearly killed me, but they should come forward themselves. Not because I gave up their name. It's weird, but makes sense to me.

"Just one more night. I know your Christmas is tomorrow, but we want to make sure there's no underlying illnesses from the water flooding into your lungs." The nurse smiles sadly, and I nod, understanding that it's hard to let people know.

"It's okay. I'd rather know I'm not sick than have vomit all over my Christmas presents tomorrow morning," I joke, and she seems so relieved. We are celebrating Christmas kind of late, but we all got to spend some time at home during our real Christmas, so this is just the one being put on TV.

"Thank you for understanding. Do you want to move around a bit? It might take some time for you to start walking again, but you can meet some of the other patients," Nurse Olivia offers.

"Can I go see the little kids?" She helps me into the wheelchair, taking me down to where the kids are all playing in a room full of toys. I love kids more than anything. Before my family died, Kayla and I would go to the children's hospital and play with the kids and bring joy to their faces. A kind of joy I've been looking for since they died.

"Are you here to play with us?" A little boy with a bandana on his head asks and my heart breaks.

"Absolutely. I've gotta stay in this though." I smile, my heart filling with a feeling of kindness that hasn't been there for a few months. Innocent kindness like this doesn't exist at Palazio Grande. Not when a fifth of the girls are trying to compete for the same guy that you are and the other eighty percent are just focused on the guy they hope to win the heart of.

"That's cool. Cindy has to, too. You wanna play with her?" He points to a little girl in a wheelchair that has an IV bag attached to it, and I nod, heading over to where she is playing with plastic horses.

"Cindy, can we play with you?" I ask, and she turns away with the ponies, shaking her head, the wisps of auburn hair swirling around her head. "Hey, can I see the pink pony?"

"Her name is Lollipop." Cindy shows me the pony, and after asking what many of the ponies' names are, I break her shell and the little boy, whose name I learn to be Toby, Cindy, and I all play with the ponies Cindy adores. After a couple hours of role-playing with the plastic horses, I head back to my room, where they run a few tests and my walking abilities are not good. I make it maybe two steps before nearly falling flat on my face. If it weren't for the two doctors and three nurses, I would be stranded on the floor.

"Well, other than your inability to walk, your tests came back clean, but the doctor still wants to keep you tonight. You didn't come with a phone, so here's one so you can call your family." The problem is, my family is dead and I don't know Rayna's or Lane's phone numbers — or anyone else's, for that matter. So, this is basically useless. Setting it down on the table next to the bed, I drift off to sleep, unaware of how exhausted I am.

Waking up, I smile as soon as I remember that it's Christmas. It may not be my real Christmas, but this one I get to spend with all of my friends instead of alone. I miss my family, but I love the holiday, the music, and all of the joy that comes with Christmas. At least, all of my presents were wrapped before I was taken here.

"Merry Christmas, Erika. Here's a little gift for you from us nurses. It's not much, but I hope you like it." Nurse Olivia hands me a little red, green, and white bag that has the words "Merry Christmas" in cursive across the front of the bag and I smile, taking the bag and seeing a little plush dog and a note.

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