Starting Today, You are a Host! (Part 1)

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Author's Note:
I don't own any characters in Ouran Highschool Host Club! Nor do I own you! Just your actions :)

Alright, my first day here! I can't wait to explore this place and all the stuff I have to study! This is going to be the best day ever!!

I checked my schedule and class numbers. Although  I then remember the favor that I owe to Tamaki.

Oh... Right... Almost forgot.... To be real I wish I had forgotten his favor. Then again, I wouldn't be here right now. I even wonder why he needed me when he had other people...


"Host Club? Is this some sort of joke?" Tamaki winced back at my response and had an offended look on his face toward the commentary.

"How dare you call our club a joke! I'd have you know that not only our club is in the school you desire, but it will also bring up your reputation! Since it will be the most popular club in the school!"

"Yeah sure... Just don't get your hopes too high", I said sarcastically. "What do you do in this club anyway?"

"Well, the Ouran Host Club is where the school's most handsomest boys, with too much time on their hands, entertain young ladies who also have too much time on their hands. Sadly with our abilities, we can't satisfy everyone. Since we can only take care one side of the spectrum. So we are going to need the more help that we can get! So? What do you say? I promise you won't regret it", he said as he winked.

I feel like what he said in the end is foreshadowing... Also what did he meant by we? Does he have more captives that are under his control?

"Does this mean that I will be the only girl there? That's kind of unfair you know..."

"Oh I'm sure you can handle it! I will tell you before our customers come in on how stuff works around there! So?" He waited for my response.


He shook my hand in agreement. "Can't wait to work with you, Miss?"

"Y/N! F/N L/N."

~End of Flashback and Timeskip~

I just finished up my classes and now is just free time or club time. Alright time to find this random club that a weirdo introduced me to... I searched the hallway and then found the exact room where Tamaki told me the club would be.

Music Room #3..... Looks like this is the one!

I opened the door and then petals ran past my face with the gust of wind. I blinded my eyes with how much light there was.

"Welcome!" I heard a group say in unison. My eyes then adjusted to see Tamaki with 5 other men somewhat in some sort of pose. Tamaki in a chair, a very tall man with black hair, another one similar but with glasses, a short blonde guy who looked like he was 5 (how the heck did he come to this school?) and a set of what I assume are twins.

"Y/N!!! YOU ARRIVED!!!" Tamaki saying excitedly as he spun me around with a hug.

"S-Suoh Sempai... STOP! I'm getting dizzy!" He then finally let go of me, although the room was still spinning in my head.

"So this is the boss's friend that he was talking about!"one of the twin's exclaimed.

"I heard she's a first year just like us", the other twin exclaimed.

"She does seem to have the right characteristics to be a part of our club. Let's just see how many customers she can pull in. Hopefully the men are going to be the same as the girls." the guy with glasses added.

Characteristics? Customers? Men same as girls? What goes on in this club? I then felt a tug at my hand.

"Hello! I'm Honey! Nice to meet you
Y/N!" he said as he gave me a grin."I'm a third year here! "

HE'S A THIRD YEAR?? Why does he look like a kid?? (Please don't take any offense to this Honey Sempai lovers!)

"Nice to meet you Y/N! I am Kyoya Ootori. I am in charge of the clubs funds." Kyoya seemed to be very calm while greeting you. "The other guy that you see there is Takashi Morinozuka. He is also a part of the club"

"And WE are the Hitachin Twins!" one of the twins exclaimed as they had their arm over my shoulders.

"I am Hikaru and this is my brother Kaoru. You are such a pretty maiden." He said and I kinda blushed at the compliment.

"What kind of moisturizer do you use?" Kaoru asked about to kiss my hand. Tamaki then interrupted them both and pushed them away from me.

"Now now my fellow hosts. Let's not overwhelm our new trainee! Right now we have to show her the ropes on how to flirt with men!"

FLIRT WITH MEN?? Just great! I got to the bad side of the school. I am not sure if my parents would appreciate this club a bit.

Just then, we heard the door open and as if magically, the boys went back into the same position when I entered. One of the twins (not sure which one since they were identical) pulled my arm and put me in between both him and their brother.

"Welcome to the club! Make sure to say welcome to our guests." he whispered.

When the door officially opened, we all said in unison:


If You Were in The Ouran Host Club (Hikaru x Female Reader) Where stories live. Discover now