Starting Today, You Are a Host! (Part 2)

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Author's Note:
I don't own any characters of Ouran Highschool Host Club. Nor do I own you! Just your actions :) Also most of the scenes are from the actual anime!

Y/N's POV:
I then look over to see a guy who is pressed against the door. His clothes were all dirty and his hair cover not only his glasses but his eyes too. He looked as if he wanted out.

"Great! Our first male guest! Y/N! This is perfect for your training!" Tamaki exclaimed.

"Hikaru, Karou, I believe this young man is in the same class as you, isn't he?" Kyoya asked.

"Yeah, but he's shy. He doesn't act very sociably so we don't know much about him." the twins said in unison. I sometimes even wonder how they do that. Do they read minds?

"Well that wasn't very polite" Kyoya responded.

I sighed and walked up him. I feel so sorry for the dude of what I'm about to do.

"Why hello there dearie! It's nice to meet you! Please, sit down and have some tea with me!" OH GOSH HOW MUCH I WISH TO VOMIT IN THAT MOMENT! Although, now that I look at him very closely, I notice how peculiar his face shape is. It looked more heart shaped than straight. He also seemed a bit like my height.

"Hmm.. I think I need to teach you how to properly flirt..." Tamaki said. I was trying my best...

"U-uh I'm good thank you, although I should be go-"

"Wait. Your that honor student right? You must be Haruhi Fujioka! We've heard about you throughout the school!" Tamaki exclaimed.

"H-how did you know my name?" Haruhi asked. Now that I think about it... Isn't Haruhi more of a girl's name? Or am I just that stereotypical.

"Why your infamous. It's not everyday that a commoner gains entrance into our academy. You must have an audacious nerve to work hard enough to fight your way into this school as an honor student, Mr. Fujioka. " Wow, Kyoya seems to know a lot about this Haruhi character...

"I- um thanks I gue-"

"Your welcome!" Tamaki interrupted. "Your a hero to other poor people, Fujioka!" Oh great! He's going to be all cringey and annoying again. I facepalmed my face only to hear a giggle by the side of me. I turned to see who it was only to see one of the twins turn away quickly and turn red faced. Not sure what that was about.

"We welcome you poor man, to our world of beauty!" Tamaki exclaimed. Wait, where did all these roses and sparkles come from?? Man this dude is weird... Even with his props.

"I'm outta here" Haruhi said, only to be pulled back by Honey.

"Hey! Come back here, Haru-chan! You must be like a superhero or something! That's so cool!" (Well I, myself, wouldn't consider Haru-cha- I MEAN HARUHI a hero. He is more of a representative.)

"I'm not a hero. I'm an honor student. And who are you calling 'Haru-chan'?!" At the most I have to agree with Haruhi. Heh, finally someone else who has the same brains as me!

"I never would've imagined the famous scholar to be openly gay" Tamaki somewhat muttered. "Although we still need a guy to help train Y/N so right now that won't be of our concern!"

"Openly what?"me and Haruhi said at the same time. Wow, now I know what the twins are like.

"Come on commoner! Time to teach this rookie how to flirt!" Oh no..... Now the attentions on me and Haruhi. Haruhi then gets chased by Tamaki since he didn't want to be a part of anything but unfortunately they didn't see where they were going.

"WATCH OUT!" I shouted, but it was too late. Haruhi tumbled over and broke a vase of what I presumed to seem pretty expensive.

"Oh god.... How much was that? Me and Haruhi can work the money off!" I don't know how much that vase was, but I don't want Haruhi to have to pay all the money for it! Let's just hope it's not too-

"I believe it costs about 8 million yen." Kyoya calmly stated.

8 MILLION YEN??? That's more than getting a new flipping home! The expression on our faces were just speechless. How the heck are we going to pay off  8 million yen??

(Fun fact: 8 million Yen = $73,539.55 in the US)

"There's a famous saying you have heard Fujioka." Here we go more cringey stuff again.... Hasn't this dude ever get tired of it? "'When in Rome, you should do as the Romans do.' Since you have no money, you can pay with your body. That means starting today, you're the host clubs dog!"

Huh? Dog? Like a servant?

"Well would you look at that! Haruhi took my place! I guess there is no more room for me! I'll see you guys later!" I then rushed to the door to hopefully escape the tragedy.

"Oh no you don't Y/N" Tamaki then pulled me back and held my wrist not letting me to escape.

"You did say you and Mr. Fujioka would be 'working the money off'' or am I hearing things incorrectly" Shoot, Kyoya got me as well. Welp looks like I am stuck with Haruhi. With him as a dog/servant, and I myself as a host member.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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