Work Safety

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Everyone's Perspective, Pitstop Enterprises

"Hi there. Here at Pitstop Enterprises, we've taken a hard look at our work safety procedures and have decided to revised them to keep our students safe. But most importantly, to keep them alive. Because, unlike Hogwarts, if your heart ain't beating, I ain't eating." Penelope I said, walking down the hall.

Suddenly, Aaron walked out of the bathroom with a chainsaw...and it was still on!

"Oh, hey, Penelope," Aaron said, barely heard over the chainsaw.

"Aaron?! What the hell are you doing?!" Penelope shouted over the noise.

"I'm remodeling the toilet!" Aaron shouted back, now audible over the noise.

"WITH A CHAINSAW?!! I told you!" Penelope leaned down to pick up a jackhammer. "Use a jackhammer!" she shouted, turning it on.

"Like this! You do it like that!" she demonstrated, thrusting the jackhammer towards the ground.

"Oh! I've been doing more like this!" Aaron said, swinging the chainsaw side to side.

"No, no, no. Like that one," Penelope repeated, once again thrusting the jackhammer towards the ground.

"Look at these elevations, hiding in plain sight," Penelope said, touching the floor tiles with her fingers. "This place is a death trap. All right people, keep hugging the floor," Penelope said to Discord, Damina, Lilith(who was getting used to having a hook for a left hand) and Sabrina(from the 70s and who just looked like she just got out of bed and was confused about what was going on) were on their hands and knees. And Vincent Van Ghoul was sitting on the counter, looking confused by everything while drinking coffee and reading the news.

"Wouldn't want anyone to trip and fall on a dangerous piece of ground." Penelope continued as Discord slowly crawled one-handed(one-clawed?) due to carrying a poster tube in his other hand-er claw.

"The editing bay," Penelope said, standing in the doorway for a room. "Seemingly innocuous place." She glanced at Sarah, who was on the computer. "What can go wrong here? The answer may shock you." Penelope said ominously.

"Hey there, Sarah. What are you working on today?" Penelope asked, walking over to Sarah.

"I'm just downloading an mp3 of 'Monster' on file sparrow," Sarah said, feeling comfortable in letting Penelope know how smart she secretly is. Unfortunately, she forgot one minor detail.

"Sarah, you dingus. I told you to use a proxy if you were gonna do this. They're gonna be here any minute!" Penelope said before running off, as Sarah heard helicopter sounds overhead.

Suddenly, the door was kicked open as FBI agents came in. "Go, go, go!" "Hands in the air!" "Get on the ground!" They shouted as they forced Sarah onto the ground.

"As you can see, danger is never more than a few clicks away." Penelope said with a grim face.

"And that's why at Pitstop Enterprises, our motto has always been," Penelope began.

"We can't afford another lawsuit" The group that consist of Penelope, Dr. Doom, Loki, Dr. Strange, Cassandra(from Sabrina's Secret Life), Della(from the 60/70s Sabrina series), Pandora, Penelope II, Vincent Van Ghoul, Voudini, Boris Kreepoff, Byron Befuddle, Miranda, Alisa(The previous two are from Crystal Rose of Pollux's works), Scrappy-Doo, Discord, Damina, Sarah, Aaron and Drell, who just arrived on a skateboard with Skippy, as the drone videotaping them flew backwards.

However, it got hit by Penelope's pen that she had thrown a few hours prior, heading towards the group with a vengeance as they went to move out of the way.

The end...for now!!! *Cue evil laughter from both authors as lightning shot through one of their hands*

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