Chapter 3: I Think it's Okay

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Once I got home from school I walked into my bedroom, grabbing a sports bra and a pair of workout leggings. I pick my backpack up from the floor to set it on my deep gray colored comforter. I look at my matching throw pillows to see a note. I pick it up and see that it's addressed to me.

It reads: "Dear (Y/N),
   I'm sorry that we didn't tell you about your quirk earlier. Just so you can gain our thought process, we decided to write this letter to you. We should probably begin the story from where your quirk came from. Your quirk came from your grandmother on your moms side. When quirks were just starting many of the hero's decided that quirkless people were less then and they began looking for other people with quirks. Your grand mother was not one of those people. She decided to marry your grandfather. While they weren't the most loving or kind parents, anyone could tell that they truly loved and cared for each other. Your grandmothers quirk was the ability to control her own body temperature. This was not a very incredible quirk, but a quirk nonetheless. She could go from about 34 degrees Fahrenheit to 90 degrees Fahrenheit in the matter of seconds, but that was about as high or low she could get.
   When you were born we weren't expecting you to have a quirk. You had two parents with out quirks, and three grandparents without quirks. The chances of you getting a quirk were extremely low. By the time you reached four years old you had never seen a quirk in your life. At 5 years old you showed your first sign of having a quirk, and by the time you turned 6 you were already controlling it very well.
   We would have allowed you to keep going, but that was the same time we sent you to school. We didn't want you to feel different. You were going to a school for quirkless people, and many of those kids had never seen anyone use a quirk before. When we realized that, we decided that it would be best for you to just forget about it until you were older. We choose to have a friend from your fathers college make you forget about your quirk, and one of  my, your mothers, friends suppress it. She said it would last about ten years as long as you didn't know about it. She said it was always reversible, so we recently asked if she could reverse it, and she said she would do it tomorrow at 6 pm. I'm sorry that we didn't tell you, and we've been thinking about telling you for the past year or two.
Love, Mom and Dad

I grip the note between my thumbs and my four fingers. Anger rushed over me as I crumble it up and throw the paper on my bed. I change into my other set of clothes, throwing my hair up into a tight ponytail. They assumed I wouldn't like to know about an extremely important part of myself when I was a little kid? Did they ever think of me, or did they want to look perfect to the other parents around the school?

I jumped out of my window, looking back at my light tan colored house, but all I could really see was red. I always thought I was worth more to my family than what I apparently am.

I look for different things I can practice my quirk on. After looking around I see a tree about my hight. I stand back, holding my right hand up and setting the thin tree aflame. I set my left hand on the small tree and see as ice engulfs the whole thing. Deciding to try something new, I turn to an old, dead tree. I ran backwards a bit, waiting until I get about 20 feet away. I push my right arm ahead of me. I try and remember just how selfish they are, just how much of my life they took away. I watch as a long strip of fire reaches in front of me. I watch as it spreads and quickly try to pull it into the small strip again, but fail badly. Several trees catch fire and I begin to break down, but still determined to reach that last tree for some reason. Once my fire burns a huge hole into the tree I pull my arm down, watching as the very dry ground catches fire, along with all the trees. The trees don't deserve it, I'm just letting my anger out on them. They shouldn't be dying, but why does it feel so good to just let my emotions out this way? I put my left arm up and begin freezing as much as I can. It could only work so well until I stepped my foot forward and the ice began taking over everything around me. I put my arm down, watching as my ice takes over all the forest around me. It keeps going, even past my fire.

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