Chapter one

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Alfred yawned rather loudly. This stupid meeting was getting no where. France was sexually harassing England who was swearing like a sailor, Greece and Japan were making small talk (but looked like they were ready to make out), Canada was smiling like an idiot in the corner, and Germany was about to blow his top. He leaned over to Italy (who was surprisingly calm).

"So what are they fighting about? I'm not paying attention."

Italy just shrugged and giggled a little. Alfred let the two argue for about 2 more minutes before he looked at Germany. They both nodded and walked over to break up the duo. They both grabbed the 2 nations by the back of their shirts and dragged to separate chairs and tied them down. Once Germany got France secure he sighed.

"Now England, you said you had important news?"

England looked up confused at first, but realized what he saying before the "frog" tried to grab his ass.

"I got a message from a platoon; we should be expecting a very important prisoner tomorrow."

At this all the countries leaned forward. Italy couldn't help but ask who it was. England looked over at Alfred and hesitated. What was with that? But he said it would be surprise, not trying sound enthusiastic at all.

"Where would they be held?" Alfred asked.

They all looked at him like the answer was obvious, and it was. Brilliant, just brilliant! Why did he always have to get the crazies?

"They will be held in that new prison you built, the strong hold."

Alfred let out a long sigh. He knew why they preferred him to hold prisoners. His economy was flourishing and if a prisoner escaped they would stick out like a sore thumb, plus American cops can be observant and frankly frightening (next to Germans of course). He agreed to take who ever it was and make sure they stay there until something else happens. An hour later they were all dismissed and went to their hotels whilst America went home to the White House. He supposed he would have to see who this prisoner was so he would go to the strong hold in the morning. Other than that he thought of China. He hadn't heard from his old friend since the war started, which was over 10 years ago! He still remembered the night he last saw him….


"Alfred aru are you even listening?"

America blinked. He was on the roof on his California home looking at the stars. Next to him was China in some sort of silk robe. They had just gone swimming a little while ago and Alfred was in his American flag trunks and had a white T-shirt on. He smiled at his friend.

"Sorry, I was daydreaming. What were you sayin'?"

"Why do we have to listen to country music aru?"

The radio he had on the roof was on a popular country channel. He like country, it was his music after all!

"Don't know, just lightens the mode."

China rolled his eyes. While he could par say "put up" with country music he preferred the music from his younger days. Then again there was that girl named China who was pretty good. The song turned to something by Rascal Flatts. It had a slow melody with a line like "We were sittin' up there on your mama's roof….."

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