Chapter two

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Alfred arrived back at the White House late that day. He was for the most part tired but he's been through worse so he began gathering up various supplies for China. He knew that the prison guards didn't check that prison block but they did during inspection and also there's when they bring food down. After a while he heard a knock on the door, it was probably Lithuania. Lithuania wasn't taking sides in the war but he was supplying the Allied troops in the lead on Russia and was also under Alfred's protection. Reason is because when the war started Russia first his former Baltic's. He had taken Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine, and Belarus under his control by the time the Germany arrived. Germany was well out numbered but was able to hold them off until Italy and England arrived. France sent a message to America (and Canada) asking for aid and they were able to supply troops. Thanks to these actions they were able to run the Russians out of Lithuania. The battle's lasted three months before Alfred (and Mathew) were able to aid the defense, it was forever known as "The last Baltic Standing". He smiled and yelled that Toris could come in.

"I saw you were still up so I figured you might need some coffee."

Alfred smiled and took the mug sitting down at his desk. There were papers scattered all over his desk about updates on sieges, fallbacks, etc. Lithuania was peering over the desk in hope to see that his friends, the other Baltic's, were alright. He seemed to have sensitivity when it came to his other friends; after all they had lived (more so survived) in Russia's house before they were able to break away. Alfred looked up and saw his concern.

"We were able to break the Russian defenses in Latvia and after everything is said and done the troops will be moving to free Estonia."

Toris nodded. It was good news for the most part. Then he raised an eyebrow and his eyes narrowed on America's torso.

"Sir, not meaning to be rude or anything but where's you jacket?"

A wave of panic ran over Alfred. It wasn't like he could say "Oh, my jacket? The one I wear all the time 'cause it's one of my favorite pieces of clothing? I just left it with China in the strong hold so he wouldn't freeze. Did you know he was part of the Axis also? Man this coffee is good what'cha use?". It would probably be (one of) the dumbest things he'd ever say.

"Oh, I was warm so I put away."

Toris raised his eyebrow again.

"Are you sure? It's about 36 degrees, Fahrenheit to be exact." (A/N: to all of you who don't use Fahrenheit, 30F is freezing level. Now I live in the northern states of America so that's not so bad once you get used to it in winter so bear with me)

Alfred just shrugged. "Guess I'm hot blooded"

Lithuania laughed. "You got that right."

And with that he left the room. Alfred smiled again; Toris was really picking up on American logo. He even heard him say "dude" once, just once though. He was probably embarrassed. He glanced at the clock, 11:00pm. He should probably get some rest for the meeting tomorrow.

The meeting went on as usual. France hit on England and England argued with him, Italy continuously whispered to Germany wondering what was going on from his constant daydreams, and Japan and Greece made small talk. Once again it got to the point where Germany and America had to drag England and France to opposite sides of the room and tie them to chairs. Meanwhile Japan was talking to Greece about something that was different.

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