Chapter three

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America glared at the door for about five minutes, during those five minutes he was hatching a plan. He knew that he had to get China out of prison and fast. Lithuania opened the door and peeped in to see Alfred standing motionless. He was about to leave when Alfred looked at him and gestured for him to come in. As Lithuania walked in he noticed that the security cameras were off. That was strange, did America turn them off?

"Sir what is it?"

America let out a long pained sigh. This couldn't be good. "Toris, when I'm gone I want you to command my troops."


America looked him dead in the face. "I have to go, and I want you to command my armies for however long I'm gone."

Lithuania was shocked. "W-Where are you going?"

Alfred turned to Lithuania and put his hand on his shoulders. "If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone."

Toris hesitated at first, but nodded.

"The prisoner in the strong hold…..its China."

"China? When did he become part off the Axis?"

"There's no time for that! Anyways I'm breaking him out! I can't explain but England's up to something. And I don't want anything to happen to China! I never did and I will make sure nothing bad ever happens to him! If I can't then what am I?"

"America… you love China?"

America seemed thrown off by that question. But when he thought about it…..did he really love China? They were friends though… he figured that warm feeling he felt in his chest whenever he was with him was natural. Than again he's never felt it with anyone else so…maybe. All this conflicting was giving him a head ache.

"I'm going to the strong hold at midnight… free him. If anyone asks I decided to go out for a while. Please Lithuania, help me out."

He could tell by the way Alfred hung his head that this was a difficult thing to do. He agreed to cover for him for as long as he could. Alfred gave him one last smile before Toris left the room, acting as if nothing happened.

Alfred had everything he thought he needed. Weapons, ammunition, food, water, clothing, money, and a credit card just in case. At about 11:50pm he opened his window with all he needed slung over his shoulder. He looked back at his office one last time and jumped out the window. Even though it was a few stories high he landed the drop and held a Spiderman pose for a moment before running in the direction of the strong hold. Even though this was a tough prison he knew every inch of it. He went to the back power panel and cut only one wire, that wire powered the security system. He found a window that was for airing out a supply closet in the basement. He slipped through that and peeped out the door to make sure the coast was clear. Once the hall way was empty he made way for the elevator. As he went down he felt a chill run down his spine. Something was off. Was someone watching him? No, he was pretty sure he was alone. But it wasn't that. It was as if….a mysterious force was doing….something. The elevator doors opened to the small area that held China. He walked towards the heavy metal door and opened. When he opened that door he saw China sprawled on the ground. He had bruises on his arms and his nose and mouth was bleeding. Oh no…..had he really? America ran over and cradled China is his arms.

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