Chapter four

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~December 7th, Moscow~

In a Russian board room Russia, the leader of the New Axis, was watching video clips of the liberation of Latvia. He didn't know how but somehow America had been able to almost run over his troops.

'He is getting stronger' Russia thought to himself.

At the other side of the room N. Korea was twirling his black hand cuffs around his finger out of boredom while his twin brother, S. Korea, was annoying the hell out of him. He was able to ignore it until Im Yong Soo got board and decided to grope his brother chest.

"YONG SOO! Get the hell off me!"

"Man you have a flat chest!"

"Well I'm a man so I don't have breasts!"

"Are you sure! You wear this braid all the time!" He said as he pulled on Hyun Soo's braid.

When he did that N. Korea tried to land a punch to the younger twins face but was dodged. S. Korea stuck his tongue out at his older brother.

"Ha! Ha! Missed me!"

Hyun stood up and began chasing Yong Soo around the room. Russia being Russia just sighed and watched them fight. (Un)fortunately Turkey eventually picked them both up by the back of their shirts separating them. Some what disappointed by the lack of blood shed was about to turn back to the screen when Turkey stopped him.

"Sir, you have a call waiting."

"From who? If it's my sister tell her I'm busy."

"No, it's from the United Kingdom."

Russia raised an eyebrow. What was Britain doing contacting him? Curious, he followed Turkey to the monitor room and sat down. The screen turned on and there was Kirkland himself, casually sipping tea.

"What do you want Англия?" (Angliya)

"Oh I want nothing1 I just figured that my news on what a traitor America is would interest you."

"I'm listening"

England smiled slyly. "You remember how we took China prisoner, right?"

Russia shrugged. "Da, but what does that have to do with the United States?"

England gently set down his tea cup on a table with dainty roses on it. "Well get this. Apparently America was in love China and couldn't bear to see him in that prison."

Alfred loved Yao? What an interesting development! Russia will have to have a "talk" with China about this. "And?"

"And he broke China out of his cell and ran away."

"Why don't you go look for him?"

Britain shook his head. "Not my land, and America left Lithuania in charge of his troops so it would be up to him."

Lithuania. He hasn't heard that name since the battle of The Last Baltic Standing. He was in command of the American army? Impressive, even for him. What had that little nation done to gain Alfred's trust? He couldn't wait to find out.

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