"I love you, stupid!"

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The beginning of 4th year...

I sat on the train alone. I was used to this. I've wanted to be the loner. The one that didn't need friends but I was lonely. I was hoping for the twins, or anyone to open the doors of my compartment and say something. Anything. After being kicked off the quidditch team, Cedric abandoned me to hang with his new friends. He always seemed different after 1st year.

I wasn't excited to go back to school. All the more chances to run into the twins. Or Cedric. We barely talk now. It seems weird thinking of Cedric only as a classmate, looking back on how close we were in first year. Without him by my side, I feel more alone than usual. Everything is black. I feel constant cold.

I haven't seen George since that night. I haven't answered his letters. I have to make sure I don't run into him this year. I have to avoid him at all costs.
I don't know what I'd say or do if I were to run into him. A part of me wants to hit him and another wants to hug him. It sucks having feelings. Especially when you don't know what they even are. Love? Hate? Maybe I should just forget him. Things would be easier if I just suppressed all my feelings. I'm sure of that.

A small creek in the door grabbed my attention. I saw a hand push the sliding door back. As it pushed back all the way, I saw a slim body stand in the doorway. He was quite tall and wore a Hufflepuff sweater vest. Cedric Diggory. His hair, still red as an apple, was combed to the side and his skin was pale as paper. His eyes, stared into me. I saw his anxiety and his joy. He had gained muscle from playing on the Quidditch team but had kept his thin figure. He stood there for a few seconds until he began to stutter his preplanned words.

"Hey..you" He said, his breath was shaky.

"Umm..hi." Was all I could muster up to say.

"listen, I know we haven't talked in a while but I just wanted to ask if I could sit with you for the rest of the ride?"

"With me? Why? You should be hanging out with your Quidditch buddies. Not me." I gave a light chuckle.

"Yeah they're cool and all, but I wanted to hang with you," He gave a small smile, to break the immense awkwardness. "I know ever since the beginning of second year, our friendship had been kinda on the rocks but I wanted to let you know that I do care about you. And I'm sorry for everything I said that night."

"It's fine. Let's not talk about it." I nearly cut him off. "If you want to sit, sit. But I'm not interested in taking right now."

He took a seat next to me and we didn't talk to the rest of the ride. Didn't even look at each other. I didn't want to think about that night. It was the night after I told Cedric about George and I:

Flashback to first year...

After the incident with George, I avoided him. I didn't know what to say. He kissed me. His friend. It's not that we're both boys or anything, but George never seemed to like me that way. The only time I see him smile is with Fred. I never imagined that George Weasley would want to kiss someone like me. A stubborn brat. That's what I was. After a long day of swallowing words and avoiding eye contact, I returned to a dimly lit dorm. My two roommates were fast asleep. Stephen and Wiley. They were nice but very boring. Preferred history and books to jokes. Never said hello to me, never asked how I was doing. They're were always there in the dorm but they never felt like roommates. I closed the door and hooked my satchel on the hook. As I turned to face my bed, I felt two cold hands press against my cheeks and soft lips against my own. My eyes flung right open and my arms flew up and pushed back that mysterious force. It was Cedric. I gasped for breath. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I whispered in a panicked voice. Cedric looked at me with regret for his actions and fear of what I might say.
"I'm sorry." He looked down at his feet. "I love you." He whispered, still staring at the floor.
My eyes widened. I turned in disbelief. I filled my lungs up with air and faced him once again.
"What do you mean..you love me?" I turned my head to the right, trying to meet his eyes again.
"Since that very first day. I've loved you."
I sighed. "Ced, you don't love me. George doesn't love me. You know why? Because we're kids and we don't even know what love is."
Cedric finally looked up at me. "I know that I love you." I was tired. And I was fed up.
"Cedric, I don't love you." I looked him straight in the eye with a dead expression.
I saw tears begin to form in his eyes. He pushed really hard up against the wall and ran out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2022 ⏰

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