Slow Recovery

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Rex was hurting. He was lying on something that had some cushion to it, and there were beeps and voices overlapping. He could also tell there was a bright a light shining above him.

"Right here?" A female voice asked.

"No, no. A little lower... towards the..."

He felt a pinch just below his left pectoral muscle and something warm and liquid started to spew out and run down his arm. It was incredibly unnerving. His eyes opened slightly, though they felt like they were made of lead, and he saw a gruesome scene. Blood was running down his arm and a few doctors were around him. Rex made the inference that he was on a medical bed or in surgery. But why, he couldn't remember.

He felt his breathing slow and he became drowsy. The sensation was too strong to fight, so he let it wash over him as he started to relax and loosen up, falling into the realm of his subconscious, drifting off to sleep.


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Those sounds were the first thing Rex heard as he slowly woke up. Not the most comforting thing to hear first, but it told him he was alive. His eyes fluttered open and he found himself in yet another hospital room. Two trips in less than two weeks, his life gave him no breaks for anything.

He blinked a few times before a familiar Togruta came into his field of view. She had a cast over her left arm, which was also in a sling, and grinned down at him. "How are you feeling?" She asked softly.

"Uh... all right, I guess." Woah. That was his voice? It sounded so... croaky and gravelly. He swallowed, hoping that his voice would return to normal. "What happened?" Not a significant change, but it was good enough.

Ahsoka chewed the inside of her cheek as she pulled over a chair next to the bed and sat in it. "We got into a wreck. Doctors said you had internal bleeding in your chest cavity. You broke four ribs and you shattered your right scapula. You actually have pins and screws and stuff holding it together. Kix told me they lost count after a hundred-fifty stitches when they were sewing you back up after surgery.

"I had a compound fracture in my arm and have a mild concussion. Other than getting big bruises, I'll be fine. And so will you."

That was a lot to take in. He had broken ribs before and internal bleeding, but a shattered scapula was new. "Will I be able to move my arm like normal once everything heals?"

"If everything goes to plan, yes."

He nodded solemnly before asking, "A wreck, right? So what happened to the other guy? Or did I wreck it...?"

"No, you didn't cause this. The driver couldn't be found which was odd. I sensed him, but Kix arrived at that time. And the speeder that hit us was reported stolen a few weeks ago. I don't want to overwhelm you with everything, so get some rest." She braced a hand on the bed and leaned over him. She kissed his forehead gently before standing up.

"I've had enough rest," Rex protested.

"Yes, but your body needs time to heal. A little R and R if you will."

"R and R my shebs," he said as he tried to sit up. Ahsoka watched with her arms crossed as Rex failed and ended up grimacing, still in the same spot as he was a few seconds ago. "Okay, maybe I can't get up."

A Life of LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora