The Celebration

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Inside the large building where the indoor part was held, there were many people of all different species and sizes. Just a quick glance around and no one looked like anyone on that list of people they had. Though there were definitely some familiar faces.

Ahsoka looped her arm through Rex's and they strolled around for a bit, chatting with others and snacking on ridiculously small portions of foods that were considered delicacies on some planets.

They were there for what seemed a while when Ahsoka paused. "I'm going to go over to those group of guys. None of them look familiar but maybe they know something."

"Okay, be careful."

She gave him a look. "I always am. Go walk around and get caught up with everyone."

He gave her a mock salute. "Yes, ma'am," he said before flashing her a smirk and heading towards his brothers.

Rex walked over to Bly and Wolffe who were chatting and Bly looked at Rex. "Hey," he said.

Rex nodded. "Hi."

"Where's Ahsoka— oh, wow. You're just letting your wife get all comfortable with a bunch of men?"

"She's not gonna do anything. And I trust her to complete the the task she's wanting to do. Relax."

"M'kayyy... just looks a little weird."

"Like you," Wolffe muttered.

"You just insulted yourself."

"And you."

"Whatever. But we've been here a while and I don't think those people are here. At least, not yet," Bly said. "But they could be wearing disguises, so I don't know. However... you could walk up to some ladies and get handsy like Ahsoka's doing..."

"What?" Rex said before turning around and seeing that Ahsoka was indeed seducing a human male. It didn't take long for her to lead him away from his group of buddies and they disappeared into a crowd, presumably to go to the refreshers for some "privacy."

He pressed his lips together and turned back to face his brothers. Bly was trying not to grin and Wolffe had the same neutral facial expression he'd had ever since he was a baby.

Bly patted Rex's shoulder. "Oof, sorry, vod. But good luck, me and Wolffe should keep looking around. Who knows, maybe I'll find him a girl to put a smile on his face."

Wolffe rolled his eyes. "That's not happening."

"Twenty credits says you do find one."

"You might as well had 'em over now."

"Nah. Well, see ya later, Rex."

Rex wove casually and smirked to himself before turning back around to see if Ahsoka was back. But the he realized what she was doing would probably take more than 30 seconds to do. But then again she was always full of surprises.


"Thank you," said Ahsoka. "That was all I needed to know."

She knocked the guy unconscious before hiding him and walking away looking as if nothing even happened. She walked out to where all the people were and opened the comlink. She had to remember not to actually talk into it. She more or less had to talk in her head because the mic was so sensitive.

"Rex, you there?"


"There's something these guys were protecting sort of. It's in a janitor closet in the B-quadrant. The man didn't know what was in the case though."

Cody's voice cut in. "I'm there now with Ezlynn. She'll keep an eye on people outside the room while I inspect it."

"Okay," said Rex, "We'll be near if anything happens."


The link clicked and Ahsoka headed over to where Rex last was. She spotted him and touched him through the Force. She saw him become alert and he glanced behind him. Ahsoka made it over to him and saw the confusion on his face.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I don't know. It felt like someone was behind me."

"Interesting. I reached out to you through the Force."

"Oh. It was kind of weird. But good to know, now, let's go."


Cody opened up the the door and inside it was actually quite spacious. It really was a janitors closet, filled with cleaning supplies and whatnot. He pulled out a scanner and scanned the room. It beeped rapidly when it went over the far left corner of the room. He went over to it and found a case buried under some supplies.

He opened it and found a DC-17 sized pistol. He didn't recognize the style though. But what shocked him the most were all the little ammo darts filled with some green liquid serum. Before Cody could do anything else, Ezlynn's voice came in.


"Some guys are coming towards you, Cody," she said.

"How long til they get here?"

"Not long at all. I'm coming in."

"What's that gonna do?"

"You'll see. I have an idea."


Cody couldn't even say anything because soon the door opened and Ezlynn came in. "Put that away quickly," she said.

He furrowed his brow but didn't question her. He closed the case and put it back where he found it. She walked up to him with her lips pressed together. "This is going to sound strange."

"I've heard stranger, I bet"

Rex's voice came in. "Listen up. Whatever you're doing, you need to get out before you get caught."

"How long?" Cody asked.

"Ten seconds..."

"Oh. That's not enough t—"

"Kiss me," said Ezlynn.

"What?" Cody said, shocked.

"Nine." Came Rex again.

"I can't," Cody hissed.


He bit his bottom lip and his thoughts were raging out of control. She has a boyfriend, he can't of that. As much as he liked her—


Cody grimaced at Rex's countdown.

"Four... three..."

Ezlynn took charge and grabbed Cody's neck tie and pulled him into a kiss. They more-or-less crashed into the back wall as Rex finished the countdown and the door slid open.


I know it's kinda cliché but I had to lol.


"Allow time to pass. Allow yourself to get bored, be lonely... you may not have the time of your life, but you'll have more time in your life. Social media mentally speeds up time and pretty soon so much time will already have passed... Take breaks." — Daniel Seavey

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