Squaring Away

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Everybody was at Rex and Ahsoka's house to clean up the mess that an intruder had made. Rex was sweeping up a potted plant whose pot had shattered, leaving terracotta chunks and dirt all over the floor. But something in the small mound of dirt was clear, glass-like. He got down close to it and uncovered it out of curiosity. It was a small glass Loth-cat that was part of a prank Fives had played during the last days of the Clone War.

He took a hold of it and stood up. One ear of it was missing, but that was all right. Rex put it on a nearby side table and went back to work.

After a while, Jesse showed up at the house and once everyone said their hellos, he went straight to business. "Okay, have any one of you seen anything suspicious recently?"

Rex nodded. "Yeah. Uh, random person in the woods out back, a hole in the nuna cage that had a brown cloth caught on a sharp part... and that's about it."

"Okay. And what did this person look like?"

"I didn't get a good view, but they looked about our height and had a lean build. I'm not sure what type of blaster they had though. And they had what looked to be a cloak on. I'm assuming it was what the cloth came from."

"So you think that the hole in the fencing was caused by this person?"


Jesse nodded. "All right. I don't know if we can find this guy, but we'll do our best. Anything else to report?"

Rex looked over at Ahsoka who shook her head. "No, I don't think so."

" 'Kay, well, put me to work. What can I do?"

Rex gave him a small smirk. "Take yer pick. Got plenty to do."

Jesse nodded and looked around. There sure was a lot to do.


It took a while, but everything went back to the way it was. The house looked almost brand new, most definitely better than the state it was in earlier.

To thank everybody who was there and helped, Rex and Ahsoka decided to make a large dinner. Everyone seemed surprised when Rex said that he had the ability to cook because where was this talent during the war? Jesse was always the one going on baking and cooking sprees. Although that was probably why he was helping in the kitchen.

"Is there anything you can't do?" Cody asked as Rex was chopping up a few vegetables.

"I can't draw to save my life," said Rex.

"Well I knew that already. Jess, know any secret things Rex can't do."

Jesse shook his head. "No. I don't think so... Fives might know some things."

Rex rolled his eyes. "This is ridiculous. I don't know why you're so keen on finding something I'm bad at."

"Aye, eyes down where the knife is. And it's because you have, like, zero flaws other than a few mutations in your genes."

Rex shrugged. "Meh, I know my flaws. You don't need to know them though."

Fives seemed to materialize out of thin air next to Cody who jumped when he appeared. Fives grinned smugly. "Rex has some hidden talents too."

Rex shot him a glare. "Don't."

Fives leaned in towards Cody and whispered something in his ear. Cody's face lit up and his jaw dropped. "Wait a minute—"

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