{3} Schedule Mishaps

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———————{Schedule Mishaps}———

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{Schedule Mishaps}

"Here, schedules just came in." Inina tossed an envelope to a still half asleep Eliza on her bed. She yawned and stretched as she sat up, satisfied with the amount of sleep she had actually managed to get her first night at Hogwarts. "Come on, open it up. Let's see if we've got any classes together."

As she tore open the envelope, bringing out the piece of parchment to read it over. Defence against the Dark Arts, Potions, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, Astronomy...and Transfiguration?

"This has to a mistake, I'm supposed to have apparition." Eliza ran her hands through her hair, throwing down the piece of paper that had her schedule on it down onto her lap. "I distinctly remember taking transfiguration off of the list of classes I was signing up for this year. I'm terrible at it, and I wanna take apparition so I have an advantage when we take our apparition tests later on."

"Maybe you should go talk to Dumbledore, or Mcgonagall." Inina tried to help her. "I'm sure it was just a mistake."

"Merlin, I hope so." She sighed, hoisting herself up and out of her bed. "I've always been terrible at transfiguration, and ever since second year I've absolutely hated it."

"Okay, well I'm sure you can get transferred over to apparition second period with me, considering thats when youre supposed to have transfiguration. On the bright side, we have potions first class together and care of magical creatures already." Inina begun sliding on a black vest over a Ravenclaw hoodie she was wearing. "Get dressed, you're eating breakfast with us."

Eliza walked over to her wardrobe, searching through all the different tops she had hung up yesterday. "You have no idea how thankful I am for meeting you on the train, and the other two."

"Theo and Cedric like you just as much as I do, looks like you're one of us now." She winked at Eliza as she walked over to their bathroom, closing the door behind her.


"Pass me that plate of pancakes, will you?" Theo pointed at the plate of stacked blueberry pancakes in front of Eliza — who slid them over to his side of the table. "Thankyou. So, how are you enjoying your first day at Hogwarts?"

"I'm enjoying it a lot more than expected, thats for sure." Eliza smiled, taking a sip from the glass of orange juice in one hand and picking up a piece of half eaten toast from her plate in the other. "Plus, this place has great food."

The group giggled and continued eating until Eliza caught sight of Professor Mcgonagall walking down the centre isle of the great hall. She quickly excused herself, stumbling over her feet as she rushed after her — time table in hand. She was walking quickly out of the hall and down the corridor, making it harder for Eliza to try and catch her. "Professor!" She sped behind her. "Proffesor Mcgonagall! Can I borrow you for a moment?"

Mcgonagall stopped in her tracks and turned around to face the now out of breath Eliza. "Sorry dear, I am already late to where I am headed."

"Please, it will only take a moment." She pleaded, and Mcgonagall seemed to give in. "I just have a question about my time table."

"Rivers, is it?" She replied as Eliza handed her the piece of parchment with her classes on it. "What about your time tables?"

"You see, I specifically took Transfiguration off of my list of classes this year when I signed up. I was looking to be put into Apparition instead...there must have been a mistake.."

"No mistake here." Professor Mcgonagall handed her back the piece of parchment, receiving a look of confusion from Eliza as she did so. "I remember assigning you to classes a few days ago, you didn't take the required amount of transfiguration classes at Ilvermorny, so you must make up for them now."

"Can't you make any exceptions?" Eliza begged. "Just transfer me over to Apparition?"

"Sorry, dear. No can do." She replied as she begun to turn away, "Now if you don't mind, I'll be headed back on my way."

Eliza sighed and turned back to walk towards the great hall once again. She sat back down next to Inina, and continued eating as she was before. "Where'd you run off too?" Theo questioned.

"I was trying to get out of transfigurations, I wanted to go into Apparition but Mcgonagall won't transfer me because apparently I didnt take the required amount of Transfiguration classes back at Ilvermorny." She groaned. "And so now I'm stuck in Transfiguration."

"What's wrong with Transfiguration?" Cedric chimed into the conversation.

"Ive never been good at it, that's probably why I hate it so much." Eliza replied with a slight frown. "Just not my thing I guess."

"Well you're in luck then. Diggory over here," Theo threw his arm around Cedric playfully and ruffled his hair making it messier than it already was. "Is the best at transfiguration, guess you'll have to take some studying sessions from him."

Cedric looked at Theo with a glare, almost as if he was telling him to shut up. In response, Theo pushed his head to the side causing Cedric to let out a soft laugh before glancing back up and looking at Eliza. She took notice of his flushed cheeks and soft smile that he directed at her. "I mean, if you want I can help you out." He suggested.

Eliza smiled back and continued eating. Soon, it was a few minutes before their first was about to begin and everyone parted ways. Theo off to Herbology, Cedric off to Charms and the two girls headed to Potions, taught by Professor Snape.

The girls took their seats, and Professor Snape gave the introduction for the sixth year potions class — which seemed to take three quarters of the class, and the rest was spent reviewing fifth year potions and such. Eliza had filled up three pieces of parchment just with review, Inina only half a piece since she got bored the and decided to doodle on her parchment the entire class instead.

"That'll be all. You are dismissed." Snape spoke sourly over the class and everyone begun packing up their books and quills so they could head to second classes.

"I really wish that I'd be going with you to apparition instead of transfiguration." Eliza said as they walked dow the corridor towards their classrooms. "What if I just skipped.."

"At least go to the first class, maybe it won't be that bad, Liz." Inina smiled. "Your class is right there, ill meet you for lunch in the hall after, alright?"

"Alright." She replied, and Inina parted ways from her, leaving her to enter a class she figured she would hate every minute of. She walked through the door, eyeing the room to find a seat. Every one was full, except for a seat in the back next to a familiar hufflepuff.

Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as she thought...


A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry for the shorter chapter, but I was eager to get something out for you guys, so here we are ;)

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