Chapter 10

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After the cookout, everybody went home.

"Kendrick, please. Just stay here okay? You can just call him instead of driving for 1 hour", Diamond said.

"Call him? You want me to call him after he put his hands on my wife?", Kendrick asked.

Diamond didn't say anything.

"And you. You ain't no better either. You didn't even tell me", Kendrick said.


"It always has to secrets with you", Kendrick said. "Always"

"Look, it's already enough hatred between the two of you. I just-"

"Diamond I don't wanna hear any excuses. Especially after you were just mad at me about Payton. You of all people should've told me about this shit", Kendrick said. "You are pregnant. You may not be noticeable right now and he may not know that but your pregnant. With my baby"

"Kendrick I was scared. I didn't want you to get in any trouble", Diamond said.

"Diamond, just stop. Stop. Stay here, watch our daughter, and if I decide to get in trouble my mom got me", Kendrick said before he opened the door.

"I'm sorry", Diamond said. 

"I don't wanna hear it Diamond", Kendrick said before he walked out.

Diamond sat down and shook her head.


Kendrick got to Brian's house and banged on the door. Eventually Brian answered it.

"Why you banging on my d-"

Kendrick grabbed his neck as he was forcing him into the house. Brian lost his balance because he was caught off guard and fell to the ground. Kendrick didn't let go.

"You put your hands on my wife?", Kendrick asked.

"I put- I put your hands on my leftovers", Brian said as he was trying to catch his breath.

Kendrick grabbed his neck tighter. "You think I'm playing with you?", he asked.

Brian reach into his pocket and pulled out his gun. Then put it up against Kendrick's side.

"Nah. But neither am I", Brian said.

Kendrick loosen his grip and stood up.

"I get it. You're upset", Brian said as he stood up too. "But she should've stayed in her place"

Kendrick raised his eyebrows.

"Stayed in her place? Look, I don't know what happened but what I do know is I'm not letting his shit slide", Kendrick said.

Brian chuckled.

"Hehe hell. Bitch you think everything is a fucking joke. That's why I never liked your dumb ass", Kendrick said.

"You never liked me because you knew I could take your girl", Brian said.

"You're childish. You keep being up the same shit. But since you wanna go there bruh, you got her because our relationship wasn't in the best state. You got her because her mental wasn't in the best state. It took you two years to even get with her after me and her broke her. It only took me what? A month or two. So if you think your game is good, think again. Honestly, she never really loved you, like she loved me so what exactly are you bragging about? You say I got your leftovers, which is rude as fuck, but if you wanna be technical. You got mine", Kendrick said.

Brian didn't say anything.

"I'm gracing you because you're Ayanna's dad. But I swear to god, the next time you touch my wife or do anything that I don't like, Ayanna will hate me for what is going to happen to you", Kendrick said.

"What exactly is going to happen to me Kendrick? Because it sound like you're threatening a police officer", Brian said.

"I'm not threatening you. I'm giving you a promise", Kendrick said.

Brian nods with a smirk on his face.

Kendrick walked out of the house and Brian shut the door and locked it. His smirked disappeared from his face and grabbed his phone.


Once Kendrick got back home, Diamond was still waiting for him in the living room.

Diamond stood up once she saw kendrick.

"What happened?", Diamond asked.

"Don't worry about what happened alright? Just know that if you gotta pick up or drop off Ayanna with Brian, that's all you need to do. No small talk, no nothing. Don't even say nothing to his ass", Kendrick said.

Diamond looked down.

"I know I shouldn't have keep going on and on and making him angry but -"

"Him hitting you isn't your fault? He's just a fucked up individual", Kendrick said. "I telling you to do that because I feel like that's the best thing. I don't want Ayanna to be without her dad but if Brian does some stupid shit again, you're going to have to press charges and take visitation rights from him", Kendrick said.

"I think that visitation rights being taken away is a bit much. I mean I've already got full custody", Diamond said.

"Yea but you don't need to be around him. And this dude isn't stable, what if he starts hitting on Ayanna next", Kendrick said.

"He will never hit his daughter", Diamond said.

"You don't know that", Kendrick said.

"Kendrick, thank you but Ayanna is my daughter okay? I- I know what you mean best but I got this when it comes to her", Diamond said.

"You should have it when it comes to yourself too", Kendrick said.

Diamond made a face.

"Diamond you think that him hitting you is okay and it's not. I don't give a fuck what you said to him, he has no right touching you!", Kendrick said as he raised his voice. "Saving him because he's Ayanna's dad isn't enough. The more you let him continue to do what he's doing, the more you're letting him get away with it and the more he feel like he can do what he want"

Diamond sighs.

Kendrick shook his head.

"You know what Diamond, that shit is crazy", Kendrick said. "I get all the bad press every time I do something but I have never done you as wrong as he has done you but he gets a pat on the back?"

Diamond looked down.

"You have no reason to be scared of this dude if you are", Kendrick said.

Diamond looked at Kendrick.

"But I am", Diamond said. "I am"

"Why? Do you think I'm not able to protect you?", Kendrick said.

"I didn't say that", Diamond said.

"That's what it feels like", Kendrick said.

Diamond shook her head.

"You know what. Let's just talk about this tomorrow", Kendrick said. "I'm tired. Thank you for the cook out. I had a nice birthday"

"Even after what you found out about Brian hitting me?", Diamond asked.

"That threw me off but yes. Even after that because at the end of the day I'm still with you. I have a beautiful daughter and another blessing on the way", Kendrick said.

Diamond got closer to him.

"I'm sorry", Diamond said.

"'s okay. Just be up front with me next time", Kendrick said.

Diamond nods.

"But hopefully it won't be a next time", Kendrick said as he started walking toward the steps. "Come on"

Diamond turned off the light and walked to Kendrick. He grabbed her hand and they walked upstairs.


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