Motherly Love

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Lili and Cole were filming a scene in the Cooper house set with Mädchen so Cami was watching their little three year old in her trailer.

She was running around with her toys, pretending to be incharge of her kingdom until she climbed up onto the chair.

Lia- Auntie Cami, look at me! I'm the big princess!

Cami- Yes you are, but please be careful sweetie, I don't want you to get hurt.

Lia- (nods) Oh no! The scary dragon is coming!

She giggled and jumped off the chair onto a pillow making Cami laugh as she watched her niece.

Lia- (giggles) That was fun, I wanna do it again!

Cami- Please be careful.

She stood tall and jumped off the chair once again but as she landed the pillow moved slightly making her slip and fall onto her arm.

Instantly she began to cry so Cami ran to her and picked her up into her arms.

Cami- Shh, Lia, it's okay, you're okay.

She looked at the girl's arm and couldn't see anything wrong from the outside but Lia seemed like she was in a lot of pain.

Lia- M-Mommy! (sobs)

Cami- You want mommy?

She nodded while continuing to cry so Cami held her tightly and quickly ran to the Cooper house set.

Lili, Cole and Madchen were in the middle of filming their scene for the fifth time but as soon as they heard Lia's cries, they stopped.

Lia- M-Mama! (sobs)

Lili- Lia!

Cami passed her to Lili gently, allowing the young mother to hold her daughter as tightly as possible.

Cole- Cami, what happened?

Cami- She was climbing on the desk chair and jumped off onto the pillow but it moved and she fell onto her arm. I'm so sorry.

Lili- It's okay, it wasn't your fault. Can someone please get me an ice pack?

One of the crew members quickly ran and got her the cold packs that they kept handy just in case anything were to happen.

Then Lili sat down on the couch with her daughter in her arms and placed the ice carefully on her arm.

But Lia continued to cry really loudly, making her begin to hyperventilate.

Lili- Lia, baby, look at me, you're okay. Don't cry sweetie.

She looked at her mother but continued to cry so she looked back down at the ground.

Cole sat down next to them and rubbed Lia's back, but that didn't calm her either.

Lili- Baby, look at me, look at mommy.

She looked up with the tears still rolling down her cheeks, making Lili kiss her head softly.

Lili- Take deep breaths, okay? You're okay, I promise.

Then she took the ice off her elbow.

Lili- Can you move your arm sweetie?

She tried but couldn't, making her cry again.

Lili- Shh, you're okay. Please don't cry.

Lili looked at Cole and mouthed to him that they needed to go to the hospital, so he went over to Roberto and asked him for the rest of the day off.

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