Sea Sick

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It was a late afternoon on a Saturday when the entire cast of Riverdale was getting ready for a party...

But it wasn't just any party; it was a yacht party.

They had just finished the filming of season 5 of Riverdale so they all wanted to do something special.

Of course they did the biggest thing they could think of so they rented out a yacht for the night.

Lili was finishing getting dressed while Cole was already waiting for her in the living room.

Before she walked out of the bathroom she looked at herself in the mirror and smiled, she loved the way her skin looked; it was practically glowing.

She walked out of the bathroom and went to go meet her lover, and as he saw her his eyes couldn't leave her. That made her smile.

Lili- Cole, you're staring.

Cole- I know.

Lili- Whyyyyy? (giggles)

Cole- You're so beautiful, that's why!

He ran to her and picked her up before spinning them both in a circle.

He gently placed her down on the ground while continuing to hold her hands.

Cole- Are you ready to go love?

Lili- Yeah, I'm really excited.

Cole- Me too, let's go.

They turned and walked out of their small apartment in Vancouver.

They went down to their car and the whole drive they just talked and laughed and did what they do best; love each other.

As soon as they arrived at the dock Lili jumped out of the car and ran to Cami, Madelaine and Vanessa who were standing there waiting for her to arrive.

They instantly started talking and giggling until Cole arrived and wrapped his arms around Lili's stomach making her lean back into his arms.

Cami- Really Cole, you're already stealing our girl?

Cole- Hey, she's actually mine, so technically you stole her from me.

Madelaine- No!

Cole- Yes!

Vanessa- No!

Cole- Yes!

KJ- Are you guys coming?!

They suddenly heard from behind them making them turn their heads to face the beats.

Lili- Yeah don't worry, they're all just fighting over me.

KJ- The usual.

Cole- Not true.

Lili- Cole, don't even try to argue for this one.

Cole- Fine.

They all got onto the boat and waited a few more minutes for the last people to arrive before they rode off to the middle of the water.

Everyone was walking around talking to everyone but as they got further and further out into the water Lili began to feel really sick.

She ran down to the bottom of the boat where there was a bathroom and instantly threw up.

She was only there for a few seconds before she felt someone hold her hair back. She expected it to be Cole but it was actually Cami.

Cami- Lil's what's going on? Are you okay?

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