D.O. ~ Featauring Shauna @Shauna_Kyungsoo12

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Annyeong! This story is for a very sweet chingu of mine, please everyone do follow her :) She is truly a beautiful author. Requests for the last of the EXO hyungs are always welcome, please message me or comment ^_^ Kamsahabnida Fighting!

Kyungsoo was just simply a cutie. His smile lit up a room in an instant, and because he was such a postive hyung, he was loved by many. The whites in his eyes shown his utterly handsome face, that you truly couldn't get out of your head. Not to mention, he was the best singer you have ever heard. His voice was the most beautiful r&b vocals in a man. Whenever you heard a note come out of his mouth, your body shivered in goosebumps with delight. There was nothing Kyungsoo was bad at, and there could be nothing wrong with such an amazing guy like him. 

Shauna's P.O.V: You and Kungsoo have always had a different relationship than others. You two were friends, but in a way more than friends. You two had nicknames for each other that you wouldn't allow anyone else to call you except for one another. Kyungsoo's nickname for you was "yeo-in" which mean't sweetheart. Your nickname for Kyungsoo was simply "D.O." which was his last name. Your nickname wasn't as sweet as his, but it was very special to you. 

Your birthday was a day you had to spend at school, which you were surprisingly okay with. You knew your friends would be showering you with happy birthday messages, and today was your day to feel special. As stupid as it sounds, it was simply just the day you were born, but you knew it was okay to enjoy the festivites. 

Your best friend Yuri was the sweetest girl you knew, and as soon as you walked into the school she was standing there with cupcakes in her hands.

Yuri:" saen-geel choo-ka-hahm-nee-da"! She kept chanting. "Shauna unnie, happy birthday!" She took you into a big hug, and handed you the plate of beautifuly made pastries and a brightly colored balloon. 

Shauna: "Kamsabhida. Saranghae Yuri, hehehe but don't worry you'll always be my unnie."

Yuri: "Anything for you chingu, aiii I have such big plans for you today! Your going to be very happy trust me, but just don't ask to many questions" she said with a wink.

Yuri has been your best friend since you were about 7 years old, and you two truly balanced eachother out. She was a very demanding, outspoken person, where you were seen as a quiet, smart girl. Sometimes Yuri was a bit to much for you to handle, but that's why you loved her. 

Yuri: "Aishh, have you seen Kyungsoo come in yet?" Yuri would always try to fix you and D.O. up to go on a date, but it's never happened. Either both of you were just to scared to do it, and fear ate you alive. You worried if D.O. truly was annoyed by Yuri's constant babble about you two, but somehow this morning Yuri gave you an uneasy feel.

Shauna: "Yuri-ah, why would you need Kyungsoo?" You raised an eyebrow at her and gave a questioning face.

Yuri: "Shauna, chingu, saranghae but with a new year on your age try to stop asking so many questions!" She teased you. "Besides, Kyungsoo hyung texted me saying he had something for you." 

You suddenly felt much better about teh situation, and felt the need to ask more questions but stopped yourself in you tracks. 

Shauna: "Oh, that's nice" You tried to hide your utter excitement.

Yuri: "Mmmm. Of course it is when your namchin comes you for." 

Shauna: "Yuri-ahh, why are you like this to me?" You giggled.

Yuri: "Shauna, he calls you sweetheart everyday, how are you not dating already! Wait nevermind that, he IS your boyfriend. " You felt yourself get red with happiness. 

Kyungsoo was such a perfect boy, but the only problem about him was that he was quite late to school about 5/7 days of the week. It was rather annoying because you always wanted to have little morning conversations with him,  but he always found a way to talk to you before school ended. Yuri was looking tired of waiting, so you told her that it was okay for her to go to class and that you'd see her later. You two hugged and he went away. 

You were left waiting for Kyungsoo, which is something you felt like you were always doing. School was about to start, where could D.O. oppa be?

As the last mintues before the bell would ring, you saw D.O. come into the school all dressed up in a beautiful blazer on top of his school uniform, which looked so handsome on him. He was fixing his hair in the glass of the school door, and he looked as if he was reciting something to himself. He flated out his suit, took a deep breath and walked in to the school. You couldn't help yourself, and you were walking right up to him. You felt yourself practically drifting past him, and then out came the technolgy cart. It practically ran you over, and you were left lying on your side half concious. 

The boy driving the cart was the one and only, Byun Baekhyun, who was know for his silly anitics but this was something you wish never happened. 

Baekhyun: "Aishh! Shauna chingu!"

D.O. saw the incident take place, and he rushed to your side.

D.O.: "Baekhyun, use your eyes my friend and stop running over girls!" He said in a serious voice.

He rushed down to you on the ground, and turned you onto your back. You saw him drop flowers and a card while he rested your head on his knees. 

D.O. did everything he could to try to get you to wake up, you could see it in his eyes that were almost tearing. 

D.O. :"Yeo-in Shauna. Please jagiya wake for me. Open you eyes please."

And with that you practically did it on comand. You lifted your head and opened your eyes. D.O.'s beautiful smile shown, and he lifted you to your feet. As soon as you rose, he looked at you in the cutest way, as if you were the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen.

Shauna: "D.O., you were..."

D.O.: "Shhh." He put a finger to your lips. "Don't worry about me yeo-in, today is all about you." He touched your head to find any bumps, which luckily there weren't any. 

D.O."saen-geel choo-ka-hahm-nee-da, Shauna. This is for you my queen." He handed you an envalope that said. "Saranghae" You didn't even read the rest of the message, and you reached out to hug him.

His hands felt so warm and nice around you, something that should have always been. 

D.O."So I'll take it that you'll allow me to take you out, my birthday girl?" He said with a smirk.

With that you grabbed his cheeks in both of your hands, and placed a kiss on his lips.

Shauna: "Always D.O., saranghae."

You saw a teacher walk by, that Baekhyun had sent to see if you were alright. She saw you in D.O's arms, and simply smiled and walked off.

Today was truly your day. 

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