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The cheeky guy you know and loved, your very own Baehyunie. The two of you have been best friends since the beginging of time (or atleast since age 6). There is nothing that you could hide from Baekhyun, you both knew all each others secrets. One massive one you have kept though, is your true love for Baekhyun. You loved his boy-next door smile, his dimples, and his contagious laughter. You've let this feeling live inside you for years now, but today that was all going to change. 

*Your P.O.V: You both are sitting on your living room couch, while your parents are away, reading a book, "Tongue" by Kyung-ran Jo, while Baekhyun is checking his phone.

He had a rustic plaid shirt on, it was your favorite of his. His browned hair was combed down, almost touching his eyes. He was so handsome, he brought you into a trance. 

Y/N: "Wowwww *gulp* ,this book is really getting pretty heated.. I wonder how characters are just able to do "it."

Baekhyun: "Well, we all have an imagination, don't we jagiya." *smirk*            

Y/N: "Hehe, just you do hynie. There's no way you could experience such things with your knowledge of romance." (Your attempts to tease him)                                                                                      

Baekhyun: "Sillyehabnida? Jagiya, you have no clue on how smooth I am with the sonyeos of today. Here I teach you my ways. All you gotta do is look into the girls eyes and say "Shillehagessumnida, and then.." Baekhyun leans in front of you and places a sweet kiss right on your lips. 

"Suprise them in the most special way, but only give them a kiss if they are worth it" 

This has been something you have dreamed of for years, and now it has finally come true! You can feel yourself and cheeks become instantly red.

Baekhyun: "It worked, didn't it jagiya? How did you like that? I could show you more if you wanted."

You feel that this is the right time to tell Baekhyun how you truly feel about him, but a few kisses could make that a whole lot easier.

Y/N:  "Well, I don't kiss and tell, but that was ammuture." You try to tease him again, this time with an everlasting smile. He seems to be enjoying this playful tention between you two, so you try to get more out of it.

"All the kisses I've had have been in certain styles...."

Baekhyun: "Jagiya you dirty girl ;)   Come here." He takes your hand first, and then  onto his lap, where he starts to pull back your hair. Feeling his hands run through your locks, feel like an shot of adrenliene in your blood, it's amazing. Then he begins to slowly leave little pecks on your neck. You can't help but start to giggle at your happiness, and he has a huge smile planted on his face. 

This is 100% unusual for you two! This has only happened in your daydreams, and you wish someone would just pinch you right now and tell you this is just another dream. Baekhyun and you would always joke around with eachother in a flirty manner, but it has never gone so far. 

Baekhyun: "Your enjoying this, aren't you my jagiya."

Y/N: "Yess oppa hehehe, I have to say you aren't that bad" You feel a wash of relief come over you, there couldn't be any reason he couldn't have feelings for you. 

Baekhyun: "Ohh really?" He starts to laugh some more, but then suddenly stops. Baekhyun takes you off of his lap, and puts his hands to his mouth. 

Y/N: "Something wrong hyunie?" You honestly feel embarrased as ever. All your thoughts of him truly liking you back, dissappear in an instant. "Maybe this was all a game" you thought. Boys have played you in the past, but you thought Baekhyun was different.

Baekhyun: "Jagiya, I haven't been completely honest with you..." That's it, you thought. He has a secret girl friend you never knew about. He's kept it from you because he knew how you felt about him. Great. You have been too obvious and flirty, all your attempts at becoming more than friends have failed. You can almost feel tears form in your eyes.

Baekhyun: "Jagiya..this is hard for me to tell you. But, I think that I love you. Wait, no."

Your thoughts and mind have now gone into a blur. HE LOVES YOU! (your intial thought). BUT HOW COULD HE BE SKEPTICAL. You feel your heart sink back down to your place of sorrow.

Baekhyun: "I know I do. Saranghae jagiya. I've put this feeling off for so long....I never felt that you could resiprocate. I would tell myself that we were simply friends, told myself to shrug off these thoughts. But every time I thought of love, jagiya, your name came into my mind."

At this moment, you feel that you could collaspe on to the floor. Every bone in your body is numb. You can't move an inch. You feel your heart beat a mile a minute, and words don't feel like they exist to explain your current feelings.

Baekhyun: "Please say something jagiya, I'm feeling embarrassed ha."

Y/N: "Oppa, I feel the same way. Ohh saranghae Baekhyunie. It feels so good to just let it out and say it. All these years, I wanted to tell you. This feels like the burdon on my life is forever gone" You feel so happy and proud of this day, you then suddenly start to cry, and this is an immense rush of tears.

Baekhyun: "Oh jagiya, don't cry baby. I'm right here, not going anywhere." He suddenly brings you back into his lap, this time he puts both of his strong arms around you, holding you. You two stay in this positon for the next 15 mintues, but it feels like it's been hours.

Y/N: "Does this mean that we are.." You wanted to make sure he was making this offical.

Baekhyun: "No you aren't my jagiya anymore.......your my yeojachingu. But I lied, you have and will always be my jagiya"

You feel so happy at this moment that you just plant a kiss on his sweet lips. It just feels like the right thing to do :)

Baekhyun: "What was that for yeojachingu?" He asks with a chuckle. He then takes his hand to place onto your cheek, but along comes some static from his sweater sleve. 

Y/N:" Ouwww oppa" You say in a babyish way to tease him. 

Baekhyun: "Ohhhh kkaebsonggg"

You both laugh with the most beautiful smiles, deep down you knew Baekhyunie was always the silliest hyung :) 


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