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You have been going to Professional Martial Arts Acd. ever since you were a little girl. Now your a 21 year old girl, who has given up Wushu for the past 10 years. It was a boys and girls classes going together at once,and you haven't visited the studio in what felt like years. You never knew many people in your class, except for a boy with the sexiest deep, sunken eyes. His hair was always done in a clean manner, and you could see the passion in his face every move he made.

Taking each step towards his aerial, your heart would instantly skip a beat. His glance was the most amazing thing, from the outside he looked like such a tough guy, but deep down he was the cutest little boy. You would definatly say that he was beyond handsome, but there was one atribute of his that you can't stand. His smile. Looking at his face, you would never expect him to be a rude, or a boy simply with anger issues. But simply from looking at him smile at the distance, or if you were so lucky, at you it's a pricless gift.

He was Huang Zitao, but you just knew him as Tao. You always had an ongoing interest in him, but it really was just a massive crush. 

Your P.O.V: You entered the studio for the first time in what felt like forever. You watched as little children about 6 and 7 years old, took their first Wushu lessons. You remembered how it felt in that classroom. 

With your arms crossed, you proceeded to walk around the studio. This really brought back the great memories you had a kid, and while watching the children, you wished you would have never grown up.

While walking, you couldn't have forgotten Tao. As silly as it is, you really did love all the days you spet admiring him in the studio. The way he would move was breathtaking, and even as a younger girl, you knew you fell for him. 

You countiune to walk by each opened windowed classroom. Children these days really do have immense talent, that is what you wished you could have kept. 

You walk on even more, looking into the afternoon lessons of children 10-12,which was the class you were inrolled in at first. You spot the corner in which you used to stand. "Memories" you said to yourself quietly. 

You didn't want to be rude and stare at the class for too long, but as soon as you turned to walk away, there was a young man who was walking right in front of you. He too, was looking into the classroom with a large grin on his face. You took 2 steps forward, and there was a sudden collison between the two of you. 

You fell onto this young man, and it was in the postion as if you two had been lying togehter on the floor. You were on top of this guy, and your head rested right next to his. You lifted your head and  looked up to see who this man was, and it was Tao.

Your heart suddenly beat rapidly, and words didn't seem like they were existent at the moment. 

Tao: "Ohhh I'm so sorry ah.." His voice was just a cute as you remembered. It sounded quite frazzled and embarrassed, which was adorable. 

Y/N: "I'm sorry it's my fault, umm I should have payed more attention to where I was walking" You suddenly hold out your hand to help him off of the ground, and he grasped your hand with a firm grip. He soon looked up and said....

Tao: "Oh my..Y/N is that you?" He had a smile on this face and you could honestly see his eyes light up. I hope he didn't noticed how much I was shaking, because my body really couldn't hold still.

Y/N: "Yes! Tao goodness, hyenongje, it's been so long." You remember the last night you saw Tao, it was at a party for the martial arts academy. He was your first slow dance, and at the end of the night he kissed you on your cheek. That was still one of the best nights of your life, if not the ultimate best.

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