Time Travel Test

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"Ok , here we go. Time Travel test number one." Hulk said. "Scott , fire up...the uh , the van thing."

Scott had on his suit and opened the back door to his van , showing a bright and colorful tunnel thing.

"Breakers are set." Steve says walking into the room. "Emergency generators are on standby."

"Good , because if we blow the grid ,  I dont want to lose , uh , Tiny here to the 1950s." Hulk means Scott.

"Excuse me ?" Scott said

"He's kidding." Natasha smiled. "You cant say things like that."

"It was a bad joke." Banner stammers. He and Natasha whisper to eachother about something before he turns back to Scott. "We're good ! Get your helmet on. Scott , I'm gonna send you back a week...let you walk around for an hour then bring you back in 10 seconds. Make sense ?"

"Perfectly not confusing." Scott waves him off.

"Good luck Scott. You got this." Steve tells him

"You're right. I do Captain America." and with that , Scott was pulled back into the Quantum Realm.

I clenched and unclenched my hands , shaking them nervously. "Hey." Steve said catching my attention.  "This is gonna work. We're gonna get him back. Get everyone back."

"I hope so." I reply nodding and giving him a half smile

"On a count of three..." Bruce started. "Three , two , one."

The machine whirled and a preteen boy wearing Scotts suit came back. "Uh...Guys ?" he said. "This doesnt feel right."

"What is this ?" Steve questions. 

"What's going on ?" Banner muttered

"Who is that ?" Nat asks

"Hold on."  Bruce messes with the control pannel

"Is that Scott ?" I question

"Yes , it's Scott." the kid remarked before being pulled back into the Van. A second later a very old Scott returned "Oh , my back !" He complained and my jaw dropped

"What's going on Bruce ?"

"What is this ?  Hold on a second." Banner tells him.

"Yeah , yeah , yeah. Can you bring him back ?" Steve asks 

"I'm working on it."

Old Scott shot back into the van and returned as Baby Scott.

"It's a baby." I state

"It's Scott." Hulk argues

"As a baby." I argue back

"He'll grow."

"Bring Scott back."

"When I say kill the power , kill the power." Banner ordered 

 I raced off to the side to the electricity pannel.  "Oh , my God." I muttered to myself

"And...kill it !"

I pulled the lever and the correct Scott came out of the Van. "Somebody peed my pants." he said

"Oh , thank God" Natasha placed a hand over her heart. About him coming back , not about him peeing his pants.

"But I dont know if it was baby me or old me." Scott looked scared and disturbed. "Or just me me."

"Time Travel !" Bruce celebrated. I looked at him like he was crazy before turning away and shaking my head. "What ? I see this as an absolute win."

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