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My brother , Scott , Hulk , Stark , and I landed in New York 2012 , during the attack by Loki. "Alright we all have our tasks." Steve said. "Two Stones uptown , one Stone down. Stay low. Keep an eye on the clock."

I looked down and noticed that I was in my HYDRA suit. It was navy blue and had the logo on my shoulders. A belt filled with gadgets that I needed as well. The headband I wore was a bit bulky and looked like a crown as it wrapped around my head. I remember that I was awake during this time. Bucky and I were on a mission in Russia , assasinate the Baron. 

My attention was drawn away from the memory and the suit at a loud roar. I look up and see the Hulk , the real Hulk , smashing a car onto one of the aliens , the other running away in fear as Hulk threw a tire at him. I looked over the Banner who seemed embarrased.

"Maybe smash a few things along the way." Steve said

"I think it's gratuitous , but whatever." Banner said , ripping his shirt off , walking out and pretending to be the Hulk. He did it very awkwardly and hit a taxi but barely did any damage to it.

I stood in the Stark Tower lobby , waiting for Tony and Steve. My Tony and Steve not 2012 Tony and Steve. There were a bunch of HYDRA people in the building and we couldnt risk them recgonizing me.

The elevator dinged and the Avengers along with Loki and some SHIELD agents walked out. 2012 Stark carried the brief case with the Tesseract in it. One of the agents walked over to me and I saw that it was my Tony. "Thumelina , do you copy ? I've got eyes on the prize." Stark says as I walk over to him. "It is go time."

"Bombs away." Ant-Man said. A moment later he spoke again. "Is that Axe Body Spray ?"

"Yeah , I had a can in the desk for emergencies. Relax. Can we focus please ?"

"I'm going inside you...now."

"Alright , move it , Stuart Little." Tony pushed for Scott to move faster as the team got into a fight with some people from SHIELD. I recgonized one of them as Alexander Pierce and my breath hitched , causing me to turn around quickly. He was in charge of HYDRA for a while. Every time I saw him some form of toture was to happen on me or Bucky. Whether it be more Super Soldier serum , experiments , or just wiping our memories , nothing good came from Alexander Pierce. "Things are getting dicey out here. let's go."  Tony turned around too and cautiously eyed me. "You good there glow stick ?"

"Yeah." I nod , kind of lying. "It's just that Alexander Pierce guy. Not the nicest person , you know ?"

"Yeah." Tony nodded , seeing my truama.

"Promise me you wont die ?" Ant-Man spoke.

"We're only giving me a mild cardiac dysrhythmia." Stark said.

"That doesnt sound mild."

"Do it , Lang." I demanded as the argument started to get physical. 

"Window's closing. Pull my pin." Stark states

"Here goes." Antman said and 2012 Stark started to choke on air and dropped the case before falling to the ground.

"Medic !" Pierce called.

"Medic ! Give these guys some help." The man beside me called looking around.  Suddenly the case with the Tesseract in it slides over to us and I pick it up , walking away quickly with Stark. "Good job. Meet us in the alley. I'm gonna grab a quick slice."  Stark went to open the door but it was quickly punched open by the Hulk.  Stark and I flew back , the case slipping from my grasp and opening. The Tesseract , sliding out of the case and to Loki's feet.

"No stairs !" Hulk shouted angerly. He started to smash parts of the building and people ran away in fear.

"Shit !" I shouted , watching as Loki picked up the Tesseract and vanished.

"That wasnt supposed to happen , was it ?" Ant-man said

"Oh , we blew it." Stark breathed , removing his goggles.

I watched as Steve dropped from the fire escape and to the ground a few feet from me. Tony sat in the drivers side of the car I was leaning against and Scott sat in the back due to the fact that the passenger seat was ripped out. "Cap." Tony called my brothers attention. "Sorry , buddy , we got a problem."

"Yeah , we do." Scott scoffs and I glare daggers at Tony. He kinda sorta ruined my chance at getting the love of my life back.

"Well , what are we gonna do now ?" Steve asked after we explained the situation to him.

"You know what ? Give me a break , Steve ? I just got hit in the head with the Hulk."

I scoff before speaking. "So did I because of you. You said that we had one shot. This was our shot. We shot it. It's shot. Six Stones or nothing. It was Six Stones or nothing." I yell at Stark

"You're repeating yourself , you know that ? You're repeating yourself."

"You're repeating yourself."

"Amelia , come on !"

"No. You never wanted a time heist. You weren't on board with the time heist."

"I dropped the ball."

"You ruined the time heist."

"Is that what I did ?"


"Are there any other options with the Tesseract ?" Steve asked , ending our argument

"No , no , no , there's no other options." Scott spoke "There's no do overs. We're not going anywhere else. We have one particle left. Each. That's it. Alright ? We use that...bye-bye , you're not going home."

"Yeah , well if we dont try...then no one else is going home either."

"I got it." Stark said jumping from the car. "There's another way to retake the Tesseract and aquire new particles. Little stroll down memory lane." he walked over to me and Steve. "Military installation , Garden State."

"When were they both there ?" I ask.

"They were there at a time...I have a vaguely exact idea."

"How vague ?" Steve questioned

"What are you talking about ? Where are we going ?" Scott commented

"I know for a fact they were there." Tony says

"Who's they ? What are we doing ?"

"And I know how I know."

Steve looked around before sharing one with me. "Guys , what is it ?" Scott continued to be completely lost

"Well , it looks like we're improvising." I say

"Great. What are we improvising ?"

"Scott , you get this back to the compund." Steve handed him the scepter.

"Suit up." Stark said

"What's in New Jersey ?" Scott asked

"0-4" Stark gave us the date and we punched them in , repeating the numbers. "uh , 0-7. 1-9-7-0."

"Are you sure ?" I ask 

Scott kept calling our names and we finally looked over at him. "Look , if you do this...and it doesnt work , you're not coming back." he tells us

"Thanks for the pep talk , pleasent." Stark says. "You trust me ?" he turns to us

"I do." Steve answers and I nod.

"Your call."

"Here we go."

Stark , Steve , and I click our wrist watches and our time travel suits take over and we vanish to our next destination.

The Soldier and his Telepath  book 3Where stories live. Discover now