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Scott and I sat on a bench outside the compund eating tacos.  "I've never had a taco before." I confess , looking at the food.

"What ? No way !" Scott replied in disbelief

"I mean , almost all of the food places in the 40's were dinners serving American food. At HYDRA we ate slop. On the run Bucky and I hate whatever we could afford or steal. And at Wakanda we ate like vegetarians."

"Dude , you have to try it. It will amaze your taste buds."

"Alright." I take a bite of the food. I look over at Scott and nod. "Not bad."

"See , told you it's worth it."  We ate in silence for a few moments before he spoke up again. "Was Bucky the person you lost ?" he asked

"Yeah." I nod. "Besides Steve , Bucky was all I ever had. I had him through our darkest times. He was the love of my life. And I watched him turn to dust."

"We're gonna get him back , Amelia. I'll get my Hope back and you'll get your Bucky. We'll get everyone back."

Just as he said that , the wind picked up and a space ship landed in our yard.  "Hey , Humies." Rocket called , standing on the steps of the ship. "Where's big green ?"

"The kitchen , I think." Scott answers. "That's awesome." he says to Nebula as she walks by.

"Rhodey , careful on re-entry." she says into her jacket. "There's an idiot in the landing zone." 

I start laughing at her words and even harder when War Machine lands infront of us , scaring the crap out of Scott. "Oh , my god." Scott , cutches his heart , dropping his taco.

"What's up. Regular sized-Man ?" Rhodey joked. "Hey Amelia."

"Hi." I waved and he walked off.

Hulk walked by us and stopped , giving Scott his taco before continuing to the ship.  

The Soldier and his Telepath  book 3Where stories live. Discover now