day 3: empty except for__

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Picnic tables fill my thoughts//

I glance at my cracked screen.

It is useless, empty except for-


Late-night drives and family movie nights.

The air as crisp as the gorgeous fall leaves-

Crunching under our boots.

I may have forgotten my name but I can not forget the feeling of dancing with you

Getting lost in the woods-

Straying away from our parent's picnic table as we play 90s tunes

Converse streaked with the glisten of wet green grass and cold earth

It is a reminder that we have lived, that we have not wasted time.


A made-up method to keep us in check

To keep us worried and stressed

Do not let time scare you.

With time, there are more memories

Triggered by the light hitting the screen at a perfect angle

Waiting to be remembered.

Waiting to be created.


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