day 7: naked

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The layers of my brain are strewn across the floor//

I stand before you, naked.

And no I do not mean physically, not literally.

I mean I stand before you, raw

Vulnerability is radiating off my skin.

You can see my flaws as calluses on my fingers.

My eyes are red, my veins seem to seep into my lids, desperate to be noticed.

You can see the bump on my nose, the only way to get rid of the disgust

I got looking at myself in the mirror

Was closing my eyes.

Focusing on what was inside

Rippling rivers of empathy, loyalty, strung out.

I let everyone use me.

It is like every part of my brain has been violated.

Stop yelling, why are you angry, shut up.

I stand before you, so apologetically me.

I am sorry.

So why are you still screaming?


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