Chapter Twenty Six

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"When did you get back?" Ron asked.

"About an hour ago," I answered.

"Everything went good, I take it?"

"What makes you think that?"

"Because you're smiling." I looked over at myself in my truck's side view mirror and, sure enough, I was smiling. I didn't have that pissed off and constipated look on my face as I always did, but instead had a huge smile, my eyes were relaxed and bright, I even looked like a I had gotten the best sleep of my life. And I did. Chelsea and I shared a bed and I held her all night, something I've only dreamt of doing since I acknowledged that I actually had feelings for her.

"So, I am," I tittered. "How about that."

"Did you sleep with her?"

"What kind of monster do you think I am?" I snapped. "She just lost Mack—"

"Matt," Ron corrected.

"—and you expected me to sleep with her? No, I didn't sleep with her!"

"Then what happened?"

"We talked."

"Just talked?"

"And I might've kissed her."

"Really?" Ron smiled. "How'd she react?"

"Well, she didn't slap me this time, so that's a plus...she kissed me, Ron...she actually kissed me."

"That's great, Trevor! I'm so happy for you! But...hasn't she kissed you before?"

"Yeah, but this? This was different." The trailer fell silent. "I've never felt this way before, Ron."

"It's okay to be scared, Trevor."


"N-No one did, Trevor. I-I was just saying that it's okay to be scared of new things, but you'll eventually lose that feeling."


"So, uh..." Ron cleared his throat nervously. "When are you gonna see her again?"



"Yeah, you got a problem with that?"

"No, no problem."

"Good. Because I can almost guarantee that I'm not gonna be sleeping here anymore."

"But what about the lab?"

"I'll still work, I just won't be here at night."

"But what if something happens at night?"

"I'll go and take care of it and then head back to Vinewood."

"But Trevor—"

"But nothing, Ron!" I grumbled. "Chelsea De Santa means more to me than Trevor Philips Enterprises and I will always put her first no matter what."

"I know, but I really think you should know—"

"No, Ron, I'm done talking." I took one last drink of my coffee and tossed the cup to the ground. "I've got shit to do at the lab and then I've gotta go shopping."


"Chelsea's birthday is this week and I wanna give her something that she's gonna love. Chelsea deserves the world, and since I can't give her that, I've gotta give her the next best thing."

Philips (Sequel to De Santa)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang