chapter 1

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"GET OUT!!" My father walked out of the door. That was the last time i ever saw him again. The visions of him make my nightmares. Tears flood down my cheeks as the memories of him flash by. "Annie come do the dishes" i quickly dry my tears with my sleeve. "Coming" i yell. Downstairs my moms fake smile. Glistens in my eyes, "im going to do it i promise." I say

My mom cried for weeks when he left. Her eyes were stained red and her bags hanged low. I slept to the sounds of her cries. I wonder why she missed him so much. Mom ha gone to work now. I was home alone once again. I found myself siting on my floor. With a kitchen knife next to me. I was tempted, what would it feel like? Without hesitation i cut my wrist.

The blood that dripped down my hand . The open wounds stringed with pain. I looked at the scars that covered my wrist. I quickly bandaged my wrist and put on my sweatshirt. I had finally felt something. I was no longer numb. Later my mom had came home and asked "Annie what do you want to eat?!" I didn't feel like eating i just wanted to sleep. "No thanks mom im turning in early." Heading up to my room I couldn't help but think if she noticed. I he now how drained I was? Or did she notice the blood soaked tissues in the bathroom trash can. I feel asleep, That night i had another nightmare about him.

I was soon woken up by mom "Annie rose jones, get down here you are going to eat." While trying to get up I felt the stings of my scars brush agianst my sweater. As I stood up I felt a rush to my head light headed I started to walk downstairs. "Coming" i yell. While walking downstairs i can hear another mans voice. Was it his? Is he back? Of course not annie get a grip!! "So mom what are we-" "oh annie this is jeff hes a friend from-" I ran and ran into my room and quickly slammed my door. Scared I locked it my mom hurried upstairs to my room. "Ann are you okay honey?" "It's okay he's just a friend from work he's not here to hurt you" i head straight for my bed and start to whimper.

I couldn't breathe. It was another man, how could she do this to me. Flash backs came to me. "Annie, annie" he touched my leg. Than pulled me closer to him. The smell of malt liquor wrenched his breath and clothes. He caressed my lips and started to move down to my thigh. I felt a pain in my chest. He then pulled his pants down then started to cower toward mine."Stop it hurts" i yelled "stop" .he put his hand around my mouth. I couldn't yell or scream. I fell motionless tears started to run down my checks. "Ann you've gotten so big" this phrase had stated paralyzed in my head.

My body paralyzed, helpless, and numb. It had happened to many times before. It was him. It was dad.

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