Chapter 2

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His voice still hangs high in my head, when soon I'm awake. "It was just a nightmare" I wispered to myself. To my left the clock read 3am. I wasn't going back to bed anytime soon. I reached over to grab my phone and see the scars that layed upon my arm. A overwhelming feeling of grief and regret rushed upon me. What would my mom say if she found out. I would do anything to prevent that shes already been through enough .

   3am and here I am sitting in my bed alone staring at what I did to myself. I'm so stupid, why would I do this to myself? The questions float in my head. When suddenly I see the hallway light click on and hear laughing noises. "Yeah it was a great time" I hear my mom say. "Oh please  make sure you go out the back I don't want Annie to see you" my body lay motionless underneath my covers. Who is she talking to? It must be her friend. "Lila we can't keep this a secret anymore sooner or later she's gonna find out about us"wait is my mom seeing her work friend Jeff? No this can't be right. My mom replies "I promise baby I will, it's just not the right time. The trial is starting and-" "no it's okay i get it, you don't have to talk about it" Jeff replied while walking down the stairs. I hear my mom shut off the hallway light and close her door. The trial I had forgot all about it. What would his face look like when I tell my story? I thought. Regardless I don't need to worry about it right now. What's important is that my mom had lied to me. She knew how much I had no trust for males. She knew and decided her sex life is more important than mine. I cover my eyes with my pillow and drift off.

"Annie wake up I'm driving you to school today" I look over and see the time 7:35 am. School, I hate school the sound of my peers talking and gossiping. Even more the sounds and apologies I'll hear as soon as I walk into the building. But I hated my mother more in this moment she lied and has a secret boyfriend. Dad hasn't been gone more than- I stop myself mid thought. It should be good she's moving on but she should've consoled with me before having another man in the house. "Hurry Annie or your gonna be late" mom yells. I hurry and hop out of my bed and putt on clothes I wear leggings and a oversized sweatshirt. I don't even bother to do my hair. I walk downstairs to see my mom in her suit drinking coffee. "We'll look who decides to grace us with her presence" she saids while kissing my forehead. "Im not hungry can we just go?" I say "oh sure sweetie go warm up the car I'll be right out" she hands me the keys and heads upstairs to grab her purse.

While I'm the car mom looks at me with estranged eyes. I stare at out the window and pretend not to look. It rained the day before how cliche I thought. The wet streets glistened as the sun hit the roads. Soon we pull into the school parking lot. The busses unload students and car riders kiss there parents bye and hop out of there cars. School a mediocre place used for students to fall into social categories the popular and the geeks. Mom leans over and grabs my arm to try to give me a kiss. I flinch and grab my book bag off the floor and quickly scurry out of the car. Forgetting to even tell her bye. She looks from the wet car window dazed before hurrying off to work. I walk straight upon the sidewalk towards the opening of the school doors. I feel all the eyes on me and hear "she's back?" "I feel so bad for what happened to her" id rather die than head there sorry apologies and watered down conversations. Students move out of the way as I walk down the hall toward my locker. They move by me cautiously afraid that if they touch me I'll break. I start to take my books out of my book bag when I suddenly hear "ANN I MISSED YOU"  coming from behind me. As I start to turn around she hugs me whispering into my ear "meet me in the bathroom in 5mins" of she than let's go of me. Staring into my pale brown eyes. Emily Marcelo my best friend since 7th grade. She has been popular with boys my whole life. Even though she had turned them all down. Her ginger hair and big blue eyes had drawn all the boys in. But her personality made them sink. Although she had other friends she wouldn't let me feel out of place not once. Last year, she left to go study abroad at a New England school.  Today was her first day back. How could I have forgotten about her? She takes my hand and leads me down the hall toward the bathroom. Before I couldn't even muster up words to say hi. My eyes wee full of tears. I still haven't told her about it. My own best-friend hadn't known. What would she think of me when I tell her?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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