Chapter One

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Talerie would have never imagined that the peak of her career would be taking care of tik-tok stars that are just a few years younger than her, but with her knowledge of social media and her communications degree, TikTokers are where the money is. Tal has been in Atlanta for a few years now contracting businesses, and people to let her do their work for some time now and when Addison Rae came into her field of vision, she had to get her....and she did.

As Tal walked out to the driveway of her condo, shutting and locking the big mahogany doors that towered over her, she felt her phone vibrating in her purse. She pulled it out and saw the name of the person she had been trying to reach for over an hour, her client, the infamous Addison Rae.
"Oh my god, Tal, i'm SO sorry- my phone has been dead all morning" she heard from the 21 sensational internet star, she could almost hear the LA in her voice.
"It's okay Addison, are you on your flight yet?" Tal practically begged for this info being that she had been trying to reach her for the past 3 hours
"Yep, i'm on my way to the A!!!" popping the "p" as she loved to do
"Okay, great. Your assistant set up for a driver coming to get you from the airport and he's bringing you to the office, we have a few things to get on top of and a meeting."
she could hear her groans coming for the other side of the busy phone
"Perfect Tal, also, my assistant isn't able to come with us, she has a huge party this weekend." 
Tal sighs as she realizes that she is going to have to be taking care of a girl that is almost the exact same age as her.
"That's fine, I mean, I can always touch base with her if I need to. This weekend is for PR and Social Media only. We aren't doing anything extra that isn't in the invoices" Tal jokes with the sleep deprived woman on the other line, she lets out a small laugh as they say their goodbyes and prepare to meet each other within the upcoming hours.

Her office sits in the heart of Atlanta, and if you stay for a little bit, you'll definitely see one of your favorite rappers. From Lil baby to Miguel, she has seen and met them all, she's even worked with a few of them.
Today, she is meeting with another rapper that's big on the charts. Jack Harlow. His PR team has decided to have him and Addison hang out for a few days and see how much ratings go up, Tal knows his fan base would freak out. As well as Addisons'

A knock places itself at Tal's office door and her assistant Rachel comes in
"Tal, It's Jack Harlows manager here to see you" she nod her head as she was already prepared for her presence.
A tall lanky woman walks in with her hair in a bun, slicked back and a baby blue suit on. Tal stands up to shake her hand and laughs at the fact that she is dressed much more casual. Tal had on cargo pants, a tube top and nice jacket, paired with her air forces.
"How are you today, Tal?" she sits on one of the chairs directly in front of Taleries desk and smiles
"I'd be doing a lot better if my client was here right now. Her flight got delayed." Tal decided to lie to cover up the fact that Addison booked the wrong flight and forgot about the different time zones.
"Well Jack should be here any minute and we can talk details"
"I'm thinking, just an outing or two. Basketball game? Maybe he can loan her a sweater and she can be seen wearing it? Definitely something subtle, but something the fans will be able to pick up on" Tal says as she pulls up Addisons Instagram to compare followers. The woman, Annie nods her head in agreement.
"I definitely agree with something subtle or people will get the hint that this is all fake."
Just as Tal was about to pull up her instagram, Jack walked in. Tal looked at the stranger up and down, it's something about this man's aura that makes him so compelling.
Too bad, Tal already promised her mom that she wouldn't fall in love with a rapper
She smiles gently at him and he puts his hand out to shake her hand. Tal stands up and shakes his hand for what seems like forever. Annie must've notice that they got lost in each other for a moment because she coughed
"Okay, Tal, this is Jack,"
Jack, this is Tal" she says introducing them for the first time.
He takes off this glasses to reveal his blue eyes,
"So what's the plan? I'm gonna pretend to date you?" he looks Tal up and down as she chuckles
"No, not at all" she replies almost defensively
"Well, looking at you now, I was thinking that this was gonna be a piece of cake" he stuck a toothpick in his mouth and twirled it around a little bit. This man was cute and he knew it too.
"Addison Rae, that's who you're gonna be pretending to date" Annie handed him her phone with Addisons Instagram pulled up,
He shook his head "No, i'm not doing all that" he looked at Tal and said "Wish it were you" she chuckled a bit at his flirty-ness, but was also taken aback by his attitude, he comes off as such an easy going, laid buy guy but in this moment, he wasn't going.
"It's just a day or two. Nothing that deep" Tal looks at him and slides the contract over.
"That's not me though, no disrespect, I don't wanna do this." Annie looked over at the distraught 23 year old
"Jack. We talked about this, it's just for two days, we take some pictures and  it's over, you can go back to doing whatever you please."
he messed with the toothpick in his mouth again,
"On two conditions- she signs my NDA and I take you on a real date" he points to Tal as she rolls her eyes.
"I appreciate the gesture but, I promised my mother that I would never date a rapper"
he puts his hands up
"Well I guess this meeting is over then" he starts to stand up.
"Okay fine, but the date has to be at my home. We can't have people seeing us out the same time they see you and Addison out." Tal hands him the contract.
he smiles like a little kid and sits back down, suddenly, they hear yelling coming from the hallway
"JUST LET ME IN!" the shrieking began to startle them, they see Tals assistant Rachel, peek through the door
"Tal, I told her you were in a meeting. It's Addison."
"Oh yeah, let her in please."
Addison comes in all disheveled and flattens out her clothes and she sits on the couch to the side of Taleries desk
"I TOLD her" Addison glares at Rachel
"Woah Addi, no need to get upset. She's literally doing her job" Tal says to her
"Yeah, like she hasn't acted this way before?" Addison looks at Tal frustrated
"Like I said, she's doing what I pay her to do."
Addison looks around and then back at the two occupants in the room, her mood quickly changes
"anyways- Addison, this is Jack and Annie" she waves at them both, not bothering to make any movement
"Obviously as we spoke before, you and Jack are gonna be hanging out for a few days" Tal says as she nods her head in agreement.
"Okay, Jack, do you have the NDA that she needs to sign?" he nods as Annie pulls out a thin packet.
Addison signs each paper.
"Annie, will you please email me the NDA and be sure to CC Addison and her manager on it. We are gonna look over it." Tal spoke quickly as Annie nodded her head
Addison walks out to to the restroom.
Annie steps out as her and Jack are about to leave
"I'll be right out" he says as she closes the door behind her
"I'll see you tonight for our date?" he asks.
"I wish, but my friend is actually coming over" Tal pretends to pout as this was her way of saying no.
"Don't worry, I have a friend too. I'll text you later"
She rolls her eyes and the man of the hour leaves just as quickly as he came in. The scent of him lingers only for a brief moment.

"If I don't eat something now, I'm going to die" Tals' best friend Peyton walks around her living room prancing like a child
"Me too, what should we order? Indian? Some Butter chicken might make me act up, not gonna lie"  Tal sits at the bar stool of her kitchen counter, the stone marble top piercing her skin for a moment at it made contact.
"Yes, but your beautiful kitchen is just sitting here, don't you think we should cook in it at least once? Tal, you've been here for 8 months." Peyton says sitting beside her
Tal will be the first to admit, her condo is beautiful, it's the first thing she bought when she made her first million. Right before buying her parents a home in her home state, Kentucky.
"No, not tonight. Let's just order take out and do face masks- something simple" Tal says forgetting about the date that Mr. Harlow had prepared.
Just as she was about to order, her phone went off signaling she had received a text message,
a text from an unknown number.
"What's the address?" the text read. she smiles, knowing it's him. She quickly texted him the address and threw her phone on the couch.
"Who was that?" Peyton asked
"Oh no one, just your FAVORITE rapper, and he's on his way here right now, with a friend"
"Oh my god. How did you meet Drake?" Peyton said jokingly.
after a quick instagram search, they came to the conclusion that the 'friend' he was speaking about earlier is Urban Wyatt, he doesn't go anywhere without that dude.

"I'll be right back, if they get here, I'll be upstairs" Tal says to Peyton as she walks up the sleek stairs to one of the extra rooms that houses all of her clothes.
she decided to change into something more comfortable,  a silk pajama set. She put her beautiful spiral curly hair in a low bun with a few framing pieces.
Just as she took off her top to change,  she heard a knock at the door and before she could say anything, her eyes were met with the same blue ones from earlier in the day.
With her top completely off, she tries to cover as much as she can as Jack covers his eyes with a bouquet of flowers
"Oh shit- i'm sorry, Peyton said you were up here so I just assumed-" he turned around quickly giving her the privacy she was looking for
"It's okay, I was just changing." She could feel her face getting warm as she pulled up her shorts
"You know you're supposed to wait for a response before coming in, right?"
She tapped his shoulder for reassurance that he could turn around.
"I know, I just wanted to give you these while we were alone" he handed her the precisely picked bouquet with all of her favorites, did this man hire a private detective to find this shit out?
"I did my research. You said in an interview that peonies and lavender are your favorite"
the beautiful purple color from the lavender really popped but also made the brisk white from the peonies stand out.
She placed a kiss on his cheek, a gesture of her appreciation. Nothing serious, friends definitely kiss each other on the cheek.
"I couldn't come empty handed" he said as he opened the door and Tal followed him downstairs to meet his best friend, Urban.

Hey guys!!! I haven't written a fanfic like this in a looooooooong time but I've really fallen in love with Jack and his music about a year and a half ago. I HAD to write a little story about his goofy ass. Hope you girlies enjoy :)
ALSO yes, the main character is a black girl because we all know that's who Jack is gonna end up with, at least a bitch can dream lmao.

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