Chapter Two

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Talerie walked downstairs and to her surprise Peyton was warming up to Urban very quickly
She ran to the kitchen to seek a vase to put her new flowers in
Urban was standing awkwardly by the bar and Peyton was sitting next to him
"Tal, this is Urban, Urban this is Tal" Jack said
Talerie went to shake his hand and Urban pulled her in for a hug, although she was confused, he does strike her as the lover type.
The hug wasn't too abrupt but it also didn't last any longer than it needed to. Tal felt a sense of calmness fall over her, she didn't feel awkward or weird, it just felt normal.

"Okay, so are we drinking? I have some tito's and like half a bottle of wine" Talerie says to the guests
"I'll have some wine" Peyton said, Tal looked at her and playfully shook her head. "
That wine drunk do be hitting different." Tal decided to grab two glasses of wine for Peyton and herself and Urban decided on a Titos and Lemonade cocktail. Jack declined to drink at all.

"Do y'all smoke? I brought 3 blunts for us." Tal looked at Jack waiting for his approval, he looked at her and gestured to the blunts that were laid out on the bar counter.
"I haven't smoked in awhile but i'm down" She says taking a blunt. Peyton grabbed the second one and Urban grabbed the last one on the table.
They all headed out to the backyard which was decorated perfectly for the occasion. Tal decided to turn on the fire pit that was lined around with huge egg like lounge beds. Jack and Tal took one and Peyton and Urban sat in the one opposite.
Tal lit the blunt and brought it to her lips
the quickness of the inhale and exhale caught up to her as she began to cough
"You really don't smoke huh?" Jack says laughing
"I do, occasionally" She says handing the blunt to him
he shakes his head kindly declining the blunt
"So you don't drink or smoke?" She asked ashing the blunt out on the grass
"I mean, occasionally, I used to. I really don't like the way weed makes me feel and alcohol just makes me bloated"
"Okay, period, I'm glad you're living your truth"
he starts laughing
"you high already?" Jack says looking at Tal
"possibly cross-faded" She says pointing out the obvious

Jack taps her and quietly points to Urban and Peyton both cuddling on the chairs in front of them
"You wanna head inside?" Jack said to give them some privacy
She nodded her head as he grabbed the glass of wine and her hand and lead them inside,
Her entire living room walls are glass to the back yard so they could see every movement outside
"We can go in my room if you want" Jack nods his head
Tal saw him grab his bag that was by the door.
"Is that a spend the night bag?" she laughs
"Maybe? I just brought a change of clothes in case I needed them" He says following her to the master bedroom.
"Your place is nice, I really like it" he says sitting on the edge of the bed.
She shuts the door behind them and grabbed the remote and got under the duvet.

"Is this a california king?" Jack asks as he got under the covers
"A man who know his bed sizes, we might be friends after all" they both laugh
Talerie turns on the TV and heads straight to spotify and played her Daily Mix playlist
"I hope one of my songs is on this little playlist you have" he said looking at her
"Too bad, I only like good music" she says jokingly
Jack looks at her a little too long. Like he was trying to etch every inch of her being in his brain so he could remember her forever. Every smile line, every simple blemish, every imperfection.
"Tell me about you, Jack, and I don't want the condensed version you give everyone. If this is a real first date- treat it like that."
"What do you wanna know?" he looks at her
"What's your dream job? Other than being a rapper"
"Hmm, I like to think i'd be a great masseuse" she hits him with her pillow
"Seriously?" she smiles
"I can show you" he says looking at her slyly
"What about you Tal? What's your dream job"
"Definitely not being bossed around by whiny ass privileged kids"
" I don't know if you would count this as a dream job but i've always wanted to give back to my community. I'm doing just that. Everytime I go home, I try to help my city in some aspect, whether that's funding women's shelters or feeding the homeless, I gotta do it"
he smiles at her
" It's crazy, because everywhere I go, I meet women that want me and I go on dates-"
Tal looks at him confused 
"but listen, I never meet women who have substance and you may think that's shallow of me, but I can tell you're different. When meet people who constantly want something from you- the ones who are genuine really stick out."

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