Chapter Three

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"Tal, is that short for something?" Jack and Tal were back at her place for the 4th time this week.
Honestly, if he didn't have a deadline on his upcoming album, he would've spent the entire week there
"uh, yeah, it is actually. My parents liked Valerie but my sisters name is Tessa, so they wanted to keep the T tradition"
"so..Talerie is your name?" Jack looks at her with a grin
"It is, but i've always went by Tal. it's more simple, it fits my vibe" I say
"Nothing is worse than Jackman, i'm almost positive. I like my name though. Growing up, I hated it" He looks at Tal and waits for her to answer
"Your real name is Jackman, oh my god that's so cute" Tal responds
"Not us bonding over our names" Tal looks at him and tries to break the silence that had fallen between them
"How's Urban?" she says as Jack gets up to put his dirty dishes in the sink.
"Why? you got a little crush?" Jack says seriously
"Actually, no. Peyton wanted to see how he was doing" She twirled her fingers like a child as she waited for an answer
"He's doing okay, he's going through some things right now so I've really been on call for him. Doing whatever he needs whenever he needs it" Jack says coming to take his spot right beside Tal on her white couch
"Oh no, I don't wanna be taking all your time away from him"
Urban going through something worried Tal, the few times they've hung out, it really seemed as if he was the glue that held everything together, that he was the one to keep everyone else positive
"It's fine, really, If Urb needs something, he'd tell me. Don't let your pretty little mind worry about a grown man." Jack says nudging her nose.

"I really wanna take you out, for real." Jack and Tal were once again, hanging out. It had been like this the past few months. Him coming over to her place to enjoy each other's company, or them sneaking around Atlanta trying to find something to do.

"I wanna take you home. I want you to see Louisville" He says as they continue to shop the Target aisles for things like extra towels, toothbrushes, etc for when Jack stays over at her house. Surprisingly no one has spotted him in this store before, it's their go to.

"Okay, and you can come to my part of Kentucky, you'll hate it" Tal says pushing the cart
"Plus Jack, i've already been to Louisville multiple times, too many to count to be exact"
"But you haven't seen it through my eyes. Shawty, cmon. Just let me show you what it has to offer. It's really where I plan on raising my kids, and starting a family"
"What are you saying Jack?"
"You're flying home with me next week Tal"
"Imma show you what made this Kentucky boy"
she rolls her eyes at him. Sometimes, it's so hard to tell him no
"I'll cashapp you for the flight, just let me know what it costs"
"Okay, cool." Jack begins typing away at his phone as a group of unfamiliar faces comes right up to them.
"Jack?" One of the girls says a little too loud. Tal begins to mentally pace back and forth. 'What if she's one of his hook ups and tries to beat my ass' Tal thought
Jack looks up at the girls confused
"We were just wondering if you would take a picture of us?" Tal looked at Jack waiting for him to answer
"I mean with- with us" she laughs nervously
they were all dressed up as if they were going out the club. The tall blonde one with a skin right black dress and doc martin's, who greeted them, looked like she had struck gold- meeting her favorite rapper in target. imagine that.
Jack looked at the girls and smiled
"Of course, anything for the fans" he said
He kept the calm composure that Tal has known of him and got in the middle of the group he kept his glasses on and threw up a peace sign. The tall blonde handed Tal her phone and her 2 friends who looked similarly to her were cuddled around Jack. Tal
took more than enough snapshots of them and handed the girl back her phone.
"Bye Jack, it was so nice to meet you!" Her friend spoke
"You guys too! Tag me in that, I wanna see it later" He smiled
the girls began to walk away but spoke loud enough to where they could hear their conversation
"Do you think that's his girlfriend?" the friend said
"Definitely not, he's not her type. He likes girls that look like Addison Rae" The other girl said
Talerie was sure Jack heard, but he declined to speak about it
"Let's go, i'm ready for dinner" He said placing his had on the center of her lower back as they walked out of the small aisle they were in
Talerie definitely didn't look like Addison Rae. She's short, Definitely not white, and definitely doesn't have straight hair.
Her mom and dad are black her features revealed that.

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