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present day ►►

the sky was a midnight blue as he walked home that evening from a long day at had been quite an uneventful one but still seemed to suck the life out of tyler.he couldn't wait to lie in bed and watch old movies and just chill.he walked through the door to his apartment block.tyler had been living in the same apartment for the past three years and was so glad to see familiar faces around all the time.a weird sense of community had formed so when newbies moved in everyone would try their best to welcome them.of course with the loving of living in the same place came the faults.

being suffocated by old memories as you walk down halls wasn't tyler's favourite thing. especially if those memories were about one specific person who really did not help tyler's already crazy mind.tyler sighed walking into the elevator,he smiled once he saw maggie.maggie had been living in the apartment block for the past 3 or 4 months. she'd moved out to la to follow her dreams and wow had she been brave. tyler could never have left home just like that and lived in a new city all by himself.maggie smiled at tyler and they began to make small talk. 

"hey ty,could you go up to apartment number 6a there's like really loud music coming from there,i think someone new moved in and hasn't realised that their music is too loud."

tyler nodded smiling,he lived the floor above so it was on his way and maggie got off thanking him. there were 8 floors to the apartment block,and an a and b apartment to each floor. 

tyler had agreed to maggie without really thinking about it but now he realised apartment 6a had been troye's old apartment. troye sivan mellet. tyler's old boyfriend who he was so in love with. walking those stupid halls would hurt him so much. 

troye had been tyler's insecurity and impulsive decision had wrecked their two years of commitment and fondness.also troye's disappearance afterwards didn't help.they had literally talked about kids and buying a house with a white picket fence.they had disagreed on where they'd like to settle down.troye wanted somewhere in the middle,preferably europe and tyler wanted america.troye made tyler cookies and tyler made troye cheesecake.they were a weird pair,tyler being an accountant and troye an aspiring musician.but it worked,it worked very well until tyler decided to ruin it all.tyler seemed to do that often to things he was completely infatuated with.examples being troye and his long forgotten about youtube channel.

tyler hated thinking about the past,because after all it had been 8 months since the incident.8 months since troye disappeared and 3 since he found someone else.david was absolutely beautiful and he took tyler's mind off stupid things,he made tyler laugh and tyler really needed that since troye's disappearance.but david could never compare to troye.sure tyler liked david but not in the love type of like.tyler really did enjoy david's company but he really just loved talking to david and not really kissing him.he felt weird pressing his lips to david's but he still did.because he couldn't handle breaking another heart and he needed a distraction.tyler knew it was wrong to be stringing david along but he just couldn't bring himself to sit down and talk to david about it.he couldn't bear to make david frown,david deserved happiness and tyler knew. that's why he kept his mouth shut and eyes down,his brain almost always restless.and he never felt like randomly bringing his ex up even though david had asked.david was curious as to why tyler froze up when certain words were mentioned or why he had clothes too small and old pictures under his dresser.tyler couldn't talk about it,tyler didn't want to talk about it.he was going to marry troye someday and he f*cked up.that's all he could ever when he saw troye wearing his old overalls with flat hair and blasting the playlist tyler had made for him his mind muddled up and he ended up going inside troye's apartment instead of running the other direction.

that's how he got in the godforsaken situation.that's how he saw the absolutely enchanting boy after 8 months and that's how he almost broke down in sobs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2017 ⏰

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