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((song at side)) (((listen pls)))


"yeah tilly."

"can i tell you something?."

"sure sweetheart."

troye moved around a bit before finding a position that was comfortable. he was currently sitting between tyler's legs with the title screen for "wreck it ralph" on the tv.

"i-i" tyler stuttered with words looking down putting his hand in his pocket.

he began to fumble with whatever was in his pocket and troye's eyes widened.

silence passed.

tyler bit the inside of his cheek grimacing at what was about to come next.

"i'm breaking up with you."

troye froze looking up at tyler,searching his face for any kind of humour.there wasn't any present.

he was committing to this prank,good for him.

"haha very funny" troye shook his head a smile forming on his face.

"this is not a joke."

troye's smile disappeared.

an eerie silence overcame them and that's when troye's tears started.

"w-what do you mean? what did i do."

tyler shook his head biting his bottom lip,tears forming in his eyes as well.

"i can fix it.i can fix it tilly j-just don't break up with me.come on."

tyler's gaze stayed on the floor.

troye moved so he was sitting where tyler's eyes were locked.

"tilly babe,i-i don't understand.just-just explain and we can work it out.we can fix it.i can fix it. everything.i'll fix everything.everything will be amazing again.i love you and i w-why.think about it.please don't do this tilly please please don't" troye's voice cracked and tears were freely slipping down his face.

"we need a break,i-i can't do this anymore and i'm not sorry need to leave troye."

"tilly no" troye croaked out.he was full on sobbing now,he grabbed onto tyler's hand,lacing their fingers tightly together.

"tyler f*cking oakley you can't do this to me and you aren't going to.we're f*cking great you need to understand can't just do just can't.whatever happened i can fix it ty,i can f*cking fix it.just stop.literally n-no.t-tilly i-i'm in f*cking love with you and i don't care if you're being a dick right now but i adore you tilly.i'm hopelessly attached and fond and all those other words you use because you're scared of saying think it's overused and overrated but that's only because you also think that you're going to scare me away. i'm still f*cking here you sh*t i'm still freaking need to need to sit down and talk to me. you can't do can't f*cking do no no no.i'm f*cking in love with you. l-o-v-e this isn't the way it should be,this is're kidding right? tell me it's a joke. tell me you love me back.t-tell me" troye reached up and wiped the tears from his face,even though it didn't help.his eyes were all swollen up and red and his nose was dripping.

"where's the f*cking cast and crew? when are they coming out and screaming 'you just got punk'd' and where is that lovely smile of yours that out of 7 billion is my favourite. where's the f*cking flowers that you'll give me to say sorry because you know i'm pissed. where tilly w-where you f*cking beautiful idiot".troye sunk down to the floor burying his face in his hands and began to slightly rock back and forth.tyler felt like he was being stabbed repeatedly seeing troye like this but he couldn't fix anything anymore.he just couldn't.

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