chapter 8:the uforgetable save

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Forgetting all about the slime, your health was at a very low status exactly 200/6000. From all the trauma you fainted once again; You heard a slash of a sword and possibly an explosion, your eyes finally decided to return to earth,  coincidentally it was Albedo who saved you AGAIN, man he's hot you said to your self, you think he grabbed you and laid you down on his lap, you felt a warm kind of feeling when  you were lying on his lap while he sketched;you had never seen him smile before, you thought it was kinda cute.

(-isn't everything about him kinda cute...)

Then Albedo started playing with your hair for no reason, you also noticed your hair wasn't in its usual braid, it was all completely down you slowly grabbed his hand and gave him a huge bear hug.and you started sobbing loudly, 
You both had bright rosy red cheeks,

you both didn't say a word on your journey back to mondstat. then you fianally made a  return to the city. will you be able to  go to lunch with me later you ask,I umm I have to do work later sorry.actually that was a lie Albedo started walking towards the nights of the favonius headquarters, Albedo wanted advice towards relationship so he was going to ask kaeya even though he hasn't know you that long, he entered, hey are you ever going to draw me or what? Ugh I told you kaeya I'm never going to draw you. Then what's the reason you're here? (why do I have to make kaeya so rude? Why me...) I umm wanted to ask you about relationships,I umm what? kaeya stares directly into Albedo's soul.wait do you like y/n?????? Kaeya still constantly stares at Albedo's soul, Albedo also stares right at kaeyas 1 silver eye. 

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