part 20

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Albedo was concerned about Y/Ns health, she kept on fainting out of nowhere.

he took Y/N to the cathedral for Barbra and the other precious sisters for help, though they couldn't make Y/Ns condition any better. Y/N got worse and worse the more days passed.

so albedo was going to do a lab experiment on you.

he stayed up all night researching and aiding you through the harsh times.

Albedo on one specific day of the year, September 19 exactly; finally decided to do the test.

he was quite scared to do but in all, he really just wanted you back.

first Albedo told Y/N to drink a mixed up cyan, glowy, potion, it had a weird stench to it;

"albedo san, is this safe to drink?'' Y/N said with concern.

''I tested it on me, a Cecilia, and a pyro slime, I think it will be safe to drink"

Y/N cautiously drank the extraterrestrial-looking liquid.

"It tastes like a sunsetta berry," Y/N said while sipping on the potion even more.

she then started changing colors, without even knowing it, albedo knew this would happen so he didn't say a peep, then your skin started turning like glass and albedo could see all of your organs.

he concludes that your condition is getting worse and worse because you had stage 5. cerebellum cancer.

and then Y/N looked at her hands, "ALBEDO, what did you do to my skin??" Y/N said loud enough that all of mondstat could probably hear.


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