A Break up

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Marinette cried what was the fifth  time that week with alya for comfort 

"why in the world would he want to break up with someone like you!" Alya yelled infuriated, Marinette just muffled a sob into the pillow

"Alya, please,  it wasnt his fault" Marinette mumbled, "I-" she cut herself short remembering what had happened that day



As chat noir left ladybug after their mission was over, Ladybug-no Marinette had another mission to complete 

Facing Luka

she walked up to the bridge with a fear of what might happen 
"I dont want to lie to you Luka-I dont think that I-I mean- I think we should-" her words were cut short when Luka hugged her 
whenever you're ready, I'll be here" she felt his breath fan over her neck with tears threatening to spill.

they parted ways she looked at him once more to see his face before disappearing into the night
she  couldn't imagine what it must be like for Luka right now. Realizing that you father has been someone you looked up to for so long, breaking up with your girlfriend, being akumatized, all in one day 'he must have it way harder than me right now, i wish i could tell him about all the things ive been holding back for so long they could kiss all their worries away' but she knew, he knew

it just wasnt possible 

oh if things were just a bit easier, the bluenette thought to herself before breaking down 

Luka on the other hand was heartbroken, deep inside a part of him knew things weren't gong to work our between them, for she loved someone else and that someone was Adrien Agreste 


             ~present time~

"I-" Marinette mumbled 

"you what?" Alya asked confused by what she meant, this boy obviously broke her heart 

(time skip because apparently i dont like writing explanations) 

"you what?" Alya asked 

"i wasnt honest with him, he has every reason to break up with me" Marinette sighed at the memory. She hated lying to people, most of all she hated lying to Luka. 

-----the liberty (Luka's boathouse)--------

Luka muffled a sob into the pillow, he knew Marinette still liked Adrien, which lead him to ask, Why did he even try to make her love him, the way she still had his pictures on his room how she always blabbled about him, god she even mistakes him for Adrien.

'why did i even try' he thought to himself , he got up wearing his usual clothes except for his jagged shirt, he had just found out that the person he hated and the person he loved and idolized were the same person. He had always used music ,especially jagged to fill the void that he could never fill only to find out that the person who dug that whole was the same person he tried to fill it with, 

he winced at the thought of seeing Marinette after all the crap that went down yesterday 

as he wandered through the cold streets of Paris he felt the breeze of the city hit his face as a tear rolled down his cheek, he felt lonely, lonelier than ever, he felt like no one trusted him, his mother, Marinette, his father being jagged it  felt like it was too much to take in. 

when he got to his safe place the bridge, he couldn't hold it back in, it was too much 

'what did  I do' 

'why is this me' 

'what's wrong with me' 

a thousand thoughts went through his head as he broke down feeling lonlelier than ever

he was alone


hi guys, this story's off to a great start * chuckles nervously *

ok so this is my first story so it might not be as good as anything else you've seen

word count 607

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