niki x reader ♡bang!♡

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You loved coffee,all your friends on the dream smp know that.

Especially niki,she would buy you coffee every day just to see your smile

You like to buy her lil stuffed animal
To make her feel better cuz some ass hole was editing inappropriate things of her.

Today she didn't come out of her room so her roommate willbur called you since you know how to get her out

You stopped by a store and got everything she likes

Sweets,stuffed animals, drinks & more candy

You arrived and went in side to see willbur on the couch looking stressed out

'Hey will im here'

"Niki locked herself in her room"

You walked to nikis room the white door with pink flowers and cute stickers

'Hey niki can i come in?'

There was no response but the sound of the door being unlocked could be heard.

You opened the door to see niki huddled up in her blanket on her bed

'I got you something,well somethings'

You walk over and sit on her bed so you can talk to her properly.

'Willbur said you had a bad day,want to talk about it?'

"More inappropriate pictures"


You hand her the bags and she starts going though them,she starts crying again when she releases there for her

"You got me kitkats?"

'You said you liked them that one time so i got them for you'

She hugged you and ate one kitkat

'If your streaming,call me i want to be there to protect my princess'

"Ok,you want one?"

'Its for you,you eat it'


'Want to watch a movie and c-cuddle'

Her eyes light up like a little kid getting ice cream on a school night.


'What do you want to watch'

"Can we watch turbo"

'The one with the snail?'

"yeah that one, it reminds me off tubbo"

'Ah i get it tubbo-turbo'

"Yay you get it"

You watched trubo and fell asleep with niki while willbur sat in his room bored as hell

You woke up to have nikis arm round you and her head barred in your chest

BANG! Willbur was at your door banging pots and pans



You covered nikis ears so the poor soul can sleep

"Sorry thought you where asleep to"

'Im going to fuck your brown m&m'


'Then leave niki is sleeping'

Willbur left you to alone till niki wakes up

You kinda wanted to cuddle more after this.


dream smp X Reader Where stories live. Discover now